
I went into (okay, was dragged into by my girlfriend) an Abercrombie store for the first time not too long ago. It was exactly as stereotypical as I'd heard. Surprisingly empty but for some faggy looking diversity poster boys with attitudes, loud techno pounding, lights down, and I swear they were pumping cologne through the air system.
Abercrombie, the Corporation also owns Hollister, whose stores can make the old Abercrombie locations feel like a nursing home.
Just won this Nunslaughter shirt on ebay for $4 a few days ago.


i wear metal shirts at work because i don't really have any other shirts

workin' burzum style at the moment

i think i have one metal shirt: Scald

do you have that one scald shirt which has glow-in-the-dark ink on the logo

i do, it's ridiculous
Jonathan since 2004 you've been molding yourself in the image of a 50 yr old. Blazers?!? What the fuck?!? Have the male nurses indoctrinated you with their style of La Femme Ghaalkita?

Indeed. Current uniform: dark blue jeans with a black or gray sweater from BR and Doc Martens. I throw a cordouroy blazer on top of the sweater if it's chilly. I'll wear this till spring and then switch to linen shirts.
i am a Gap and Eddie Bauer guy myself, but do have a handful of metal shirts for special occasions.

nobody's as dapper as Henrikmain though :loco:
I'd say 98% of my shirts are metal shirt, with a few other Tshirts.

My Summoning hoodie is my favourite, which is only mine because of Cov! :kickass:
I'd like to get a Bolt Thrower shirt, but they only sell their merch at their shows, assholes.
I dont own anything but metal shirts.

The Haunted
Inflames about eight of them
Iron Maiden
Black Dahlia murder
3 inches of Blood
Amon Amarth, two of them
Blind Guardian
Children Of Bodom, two of them
Bring Me The Horizon
Dark Funeral , two of them

I like lots of different kinds of metal so sue me
Seriously all I own are metal shirts and one black button up. I only have one pair of jeans. But three pairs of Camo shorts. You guys have to realize that besdies ordering everything, its really hard to get metal shirts in the Oklahoma.
I can't remember the last time I purchased a non-metal shirt. All my standard clothing is garb that has been accumulated through the years. Suave and sleek JCPenney's pantaloons, thermals, collared tees, and so forth. I abhor wearing anything constricting.

Same, metal shirts are the only shirts I buy, the rest are given to me as gifts for birthday/christmas etc and I use that stuff for work.

Probably one of the funniest moments was when I wore my Dark Tranquillity "Enter Suicidial Angels" longsleeve to work a few years back. I was in the elevator and this lady asked if my shirt said "Enter Suicidal Angels" with the most incredulous voice/look imaginable. It was quite difficult not to laugh in her face. Did I mention I work at a Catholic SchoolBoard? :Smokedev: