Shitties song you´ve ever heard

Pink_Metal said:
Gasoline dream: WILL YOU MARRY ME????
I hate courtley loves puke ridden existance & you hate hole's a match made in heaven!!!!

I almost missed this one...I am there!!

Funny story--I saw nine-inch nails (I think it was anyways) in Cleveland once and Hole somehow ended up opening for them. Courtney Love decided to crowd surf. Her drugged up body gets pretty mauled as she's being passed around. She makes it back to the stage and she says "If i find the asshole who stuck his thumb up my ass, I'm gonna kill him..." THAT WAS FUNNY!! She looked kind of angry too. :tickled: :tickled:
Arg_Hamster said:
Yeah... well shit, no big Aerosmith-fan but the last really good songs was "Ragdoll" and "Dude looks like a lady".
If you ever want to listen to them get the "Rocks" album. My personal smith fav.
dutchy said:
they are more punk then Rancid/GBH & Casulalties combined:)

But not more punk than the greatest gay narcotic band "THE KRISTET UTSEENDE"!


Kristet står när dom andra faller!
hmmmm....this is a tough one. any song by those prepubecant (sp?) bands (New Found Glory, Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, Blink-182, Green Day, etc., etc.) and all those cookie monster vocalists also.
Besides that I'm gonna say "When You Wish Upon a Star" from the Gene Simmons solo KISS album.
hmmmm....this is a tough one. any song by those prepubecant (sp?) bands (New Found Glory, Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, Blink-182, Green Day, etc., etc.) and all those cookie monster vocalists also.
Besides that I'm gonna say "When You Wish Upon a Star" from the Gene Simmons solo KISS album.
You have to admit that it took balls for him to record that song though. Besides Kiss had much worse songs than that, and that's coming from a huge Kiss fan!
hmmmm....this is a tough one. any song by those prepubecant (sp?) bands (New Found Glory, Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, Blink-182, Green Day, etc., etc.) and all those cookie monster vocalists also.
Besides that I'm gonna say "When You Wish Upon a Star" from the Gene Simmons solo KISS album.

excuse me MEPHISTOPHILIAC you just slashed a major part of my cd collection!!for that you will be damned!!!