Shooting at Damageplan concert

And as an update. Dime is gone but the other band member who´s killed maybe isn´t Vinnie..

We´re waiting the news. No doubt, it going to be heavy drinking and Pantera + Damageplan weekend at my castle..

Sad that I´m at work at the moment. Cemetery gates it´ll be when I get home. Maybe few tears..

Yeah I heard about what happened to Dimebag Darrel, you can read and watch more of it on this link below. Our band Vehemence played at the Al Rosa Villa venue with Decapitated in the summer of 2002, and from what I remember I could step off the stage if I wanted to, you were that close to your fans, they could get close enough to you to flick your ear, or punch your face. Also I remembered that place had no security other than the door guy.

Its unclear still, if this is a conspiracy, or freak psycho incident. I guess this is what happens with rock stars are playing smaller venues; they may think it’s friendly but could lead to many other things like death or assault. I heard the responses from the Howard Stern show.

I met him several times, and got the opportunity to hang out with him for some hours and some minutes each time Pantera or Damangeplan came through Hollywood, or Phoenix, Arizona. It’s a very sad day in metal. He was a good guy, take it from me. – John from Vehemence
I just started my mournig with Damageplan album and ice cold Jaloviina. Still few albums and DVD to go..

I have to admit. The only time I´ve been this sad about someon passing away was when my grandgrandmother died. Wait, I cried also when Freddie Mercury died.

Any change of conspiracy here? Lennon got killed December 8 1980..
tooled said:
Wait, I cried also when Freddie Mercury died.
So, I'm not the only one...

Too many good people, gone. *sniff*
Most of us (humans) are too stupid to recognise the good we have until it's gone.:cry:
I don't understand how people can mourn someone they don't know. I know the reasons, they've been explained to me many times when I've said that, but I still can't quite grasp it. But that's just me.

(Neither do i understand how everyone is "shocked" every time some public figure dies. Again. And again. And again.)

And this is not written in a contempt or as a troll or anything. I just truthfully don't understand it.
Hmm.. Let´s see. Am I wrong or have all of these mourned artists died in not so "natural" ways? Freddie - AIDS, Cobain - Shotgun, Lennon - Murdered.. The list is endless.. And if someone dies in "natural" way, aging or something like that´s not so "Big deal" in media / among people.

+ These shootings can affect in so many ways.. Just imagine full bodysearches in concerts etc.
Isn't there already pretty tight security in concerts with bigger bands? Marilyn Manson comes to mind. I heard it was taken good care of that no one brought anything extra to the showplace when they were in Finland. And with smaller bands it really isn't that likely due to costs involved.
Point.. In Hakametsä (ice hockey match) the security checked the backpack and the carrier of it was like ~4 years old or something (and this pack included "pipejuice" and potato chips..) Daaaaangeroooos!

Maybe this happened ´cos american gunlaws or poor security in that particular place. Still quite sad.

I say:
Use your
And if you

HAHA! The poem of the day..
tooled said:
+ These shootings can affect in so many ways.. Just imagine full bodysearches in concerts etc.

That is what is so fucked up about this though. Just about every show I went to in the states over the last 2 and a half years i have been searched pretty thoroughly. One time i had one of those mini swiss army knifes on me because my keys were attached to it, and they wouldn't let me in. Hell at one venue they wouldn't even let me bring my keys themselves in. Things are a bit different here in germany, but in the US being searched at shows is common.

According to John from Vehemence in the i think Swanö board, i just read it but i dont remember, that the gunman hopped over the back fence and snuck in through the cargo door somehow, which would explain how he got in without being searched. It is a travesty thats what it is.
Horza said:
I don't understand how people can mourn someone they don't know. I know the reasons, they've been explained to me many times when I've said that, but I still can't quite grasp it. But that's just me.

(Neither do i understand how everyone is "shocked" every time some public figure dies. Again. And again. And again.)

And this is not written in a contempt or as a troll or anything. I just truthfully don't understand it.

I was expecting for you to write something like this. I have to admit that i cried myself last night also. I was truly shocked. The thing is that you get shocked whenever someone dies like this, no matter who it is. It's always extremely unfair. But in this case there's so much exposure because of him being a legend (no comments needed) as a metal guitarist. He was a very important person to millions of he's fans (myself included). This post doesn't make much sense now does it..? Fuck it, i don't have explain myself. But i see one positive point in this whole event: you can really say that Dimebag died with he's boots on. :worship:
This is ashame. I had their "Far Beyond Driven" album from the Pantera days. DIme was the king of the harmonic squeal among other things. Listen to the Pantera song "Floods" it's amazing, especially the solo in the middle. I don't listen to music that heavy anymore, more opeth and melodic stuff like that now. I am still stunned by this. But what can you do? They weere playing at a small venue. At the larger ones you can have better security. Who knows what will happen next. There are too many psychos out there and you never know who they are until they do something, really scary. This is just a reminder of my own mortality, live everyday to the fullest and don't take things for granted.
Mazah said:
I was expecting for you to write something like this. I have to admit that i cried myself last night also. I was truly shocked. The thing is that you get shocked whenever someone dies like this, no matter who it is. It's always extremely unfair. But in this case there's so much exposure because of him being a legend (no comments needed) as a metal guitarist. He was a very important person to millions of he's fans (myself included).

I might be a little predictable person, at least on the subjects I usually care to write here :)

You get shocked whenever someone dies like that? But you have to know there's probably happening a violent death on this earth every minute. Should one be shocked all the time because of the sad things that will never cease to exist? You alone simply can't mourn all that's worth of mourning.

And frankly, let's say Lars Pedersen would die today. (The brain behind band/project When, which I've adored and worshipped for many years, and what I think is the most ingenious musical phenomenon ever. YMMV.) I really wouldn't give a flying fuck. Probably would say "oh?" and continue with my life. Sure, the music has made an enormous impact on me. The music, not the person who created the music. The guy might be even bigger prick than me and deserve to die. I don't know, and I really don't care.