Or how about the people that pronounce the "t" in "often" or the "h" in "herb" (unless it refers to a guy's name which the "h" is not silent).
haha I think most people in the US say herbs with a silent H.
I can't picture someone saying "I'm gonna go smoke some Herb"
Öwen;9435596 said:You pronounce herb as "erb"?
Man, thats some ooh arr farmer shit right there.
"Look at me 'erbs'"
haha I think most people in the US say herbs with a silent H.
I can't picture someone saying "I'm gonna go smoke some Herb"
They would think you're trying to do a drive by on some dude named Herb then...
And one that makes absofuckinglutely no sense at all "aks" instead of "ask", seriously how retarded do you have to be. I can't even say it that way.
At our highschool our vice principle pronounced difficult Diffi-Cult. Not diffi-coult, but cult as in a cult. With extra emphasis on the cult. DiffiCULT.