Should I not come to this forum because I am uneducated?

I don't feel like I'm intelligent I may know a few wordy terms or words but still I just come here because the topics you discuss intrest me and I would like to become more informed. This stuff challenges my mind and takes it to new levels. Most of you seem pretty at peace with yourselfs and how you feel and don't feel the need to bring me down so yeah...I don't know I just lost my train of thought seem I'm dumb because I cannot type long perfectly articulated post. I don't know my friends are average people so I guess the imperfection rubs off on me.

If you see this as usless rambling well maybe it is lol (oh my god I made an abreviation blasphamy!) I don't know maybe something will come of this. But anyway (not saying they do) but if anyone here has a problem with my post then I'll just lurk here and post on the other UM forums with that said I have one last thing to say infact it's very mature...NOTHING!
The Uppance Has Come said:
I don't feel like I'm intelligent I may know a few wordy terms or words but still I just come here because the topics you discuss intrest me and I would like to become more informed. This stuff challenges my mind and takes it to new levels. Most of you seem pretty at peace with yourselfs and how you feel and don't feel the need to bring me down so yeah...I don't know I just lost my train of thought seem I'm dumb because I cannot type long perfectly articulated post. I don't know my friends are average people so I guess the imperfection rubs off on me.

If you see this as usless rambling well maybe it is lol (oh my god I made an abreviation blasphamy!) I don't know maybe something will come of this. But anyway (not saying they do) but if anyone here has a problem with my post then I'll just lurk here and post on the other UM forums with that said I have one last thing to say infact it's very mature...NOTHING!

I'm not trying to be cruel or anything, but...your posts really havent shown any knowledge of, or interest in philosophy at all. Im not blaming you or anything; in fact, this forum could be an excellent platform fo a little philosophical education.
Uppance, don't be intimidated by these folks on the philosopher forum. You also shouldn't write your posts hoping that they measure up. If that is in your mind, you won't write what you are really thinking. Most importantly, who cares what anyone else thinks. If you polled the crew here, they would more than likely state that my posts have no philisophical value. That doesn't stop me from coming here.
Besides, to some philosophy is analysis of thoughts and beliefs. That sounds pretty easy to do, eh?
fah-q said:
Uppance, don't be intimidated by these folks on the philosopher forum. You also shouldn't write your posts hoping that they measure up. If that is in your mind, you won't write what you are really thinking. Most importantly, who cares what anyone else thinks. If you polled the crew here, they would more than likely state that my posts have no philisophical value. That doesn't stop me from coming here.
Besides, to some philosophy is analysis of thoughts and beliefs. That sounds pretty easy to do, eh?

There's a split thats ever widening on this board: its between philosophy and pop philosophy/psychology. They both have their problems: those who consider themselves philosophers, or who possess some philosophical understanding, tend towards pedantic ostententatious displays of their knowledge; those who tend towards pop philosophy, well, they make things too simplistic, and rely totally on a posteriori knowledge. I personally am sometimes guilty of both forms.
there's no reason you can't come and read, or even ask questions on things you don't understand. and if you post something someone might question you on what you said if they think it wasn't much thought out (you are 17 after all right? we all start somewhere and go through a shit load of being wrong) and they understand you better or you see where you were wrong---all n all it seems like it can only be beneficial as long as you're not too thin skinned to have fun with it.

I'd say stick around. there are worse things to do on the net that's for sure.
speed said:
There's a split thats ever widening on this board: its between philosophy and pop philosophy/psychology. They both have their problems: those who consider themselves philosophers, or who possess some philosophical understanding, tend towards pedantic ostententatious displays of their knowledge; those who tend towards pop philosophy, well, they make things too simplistic, and rely totally on a posteriori knowledge. I personally am sometimes guilty of both forms.
Good call Speed. I still don't think I fall in any of these catagories. Is there a philosophy for the reactionaries like myself?:loco:
The Uppance Has Come said:
I don't feel like I'm intelligent I may know a few wordy terms or words but still I just come here because the topics you discuss intrest me and I would like to become more informed. This stuff challenges my mind and takes it to new levels. Most of you seem pretty at peace with yourselfs and how you feel and don't feel the need to bring me down so yeah...I don't know I just lost my train of thought seem I'm dumb because I cannot type long perfectly articulated post. I don't know my friends are average people so I guess the imperfection rubs off on me.

If you see this as usless rambling well maybe it is lol (oh my god I made an abreviation blasphamy!) I don't know maybe something will come of this. But anyway (not saying they do) but if anyone here has a problem with my post then I'll just lurk here and post on the other UM forums with that said I have one last thing to say infact it's very mature...NOTHING!
At first, when I came to the Philosopher forum, I felt the same way. I read posts from people like Speed and Norsemaiden, and I'd end up burning out my brain trying to think of ways to reply to them. I just kept coming here, reading posts, and not responding unless I felt it was absolutely necessary (except for one time, when I tried posting at like 4:30 in the morning, and it came out as the biggest load of crap I ever conjured in my life.) and eventually, I realized that I didn't need to be a person who reads the New York Times every day or locks their tv on C-Span to know how to post in the Philosopher forum. I say stick around. Besides, it's kinda comforting to know that there's another person my age here. It reminds me that I'm not exactly in over my head here.
fah-q said:

Besides, to some philosophy is analysis of thoughts and beliefs. That sounds pretty easy to do, eh?

That's pretty much what it is to me when I ask "what's your philosophy?" I'm asking "what's your outlook on life"

I'm very uneducated I slacked in school for three years then stopped going although I didn't drop out exactly it just sort of happened. I just know the words and things I know based on context and experience it sucks because all I feel like is the average man's smart guy the person whom a lot of non intellectuals call smart. I'm actually a rather foolish person who worrys about a lot of trivial things. I'm fine with the foolish part I've learned to leave that alone just another one of those trivial things :lol:
Although how far you went in school may reflect your honed intellect. It doesn't have anything to do with your god-given intelligence. I usually just poke around and read. I have learned a few things here.
Philosophy simply means "Love of Wisdom" (roughly :p). All that requires is for the mind to wish to improve itself, understand and explore.

I think trying to grapple with philosophical concepts, or the basics at least, is a good idea - but I don't believe everyone needs to be clued in on the Academia to post here.

This board has became a fine example of a mini-multi-culture. We have the more scholarly folks and the more wordly folks and what happens is we try to balance it out. I'm sure a few regular visitors here would consider this an abhorrent problem, catering to multiculturalist ideals!

Point is, come, enjoy and at least attempt to grapple the finer concepts.
I come here simply to read what others are thinking, and to know what others believe. There's generally less bullsh*there than on other, similar forums, which is refreshing.

Years ago, I used to delve into philosopy- or attempt to, anyway - as deeply as many here do. But I burned out long ago. Today, I have little to add to any of these conversations so I rarely post. But the topics still pique my interest quite often.
Ah, but there is still a lot of bullshit and many eggheads; unavoidable really.
If you find yourself interested in a particular thread on this sub-forum but have no thoughts of your own to add, consider asking questions about another post in the thread (or questions about the thread in general). Posters here seem more than happy to further explain themselves, and that further explanation always improves the thread.
I've definitely been intimidated by the vast knowledge (educated posts) of most of the people on here. Probably why this is my first post. That will be temporary once I soak up some books.

However, I can spend hours being fascinated by almost every thread. There's something to be said for not even having to take part in the discussion, but just to take in opinions, arguements about interesting topics.

If you read something that you feel you must reply to, by all means do it. If it's one thing I haven't really read in this forum, it's others knocking down others for trying.
You know what, ARC, I'm damn pleased you agreed to be the new Mod - it means we have the pleasure of your company everyday, as opposed to Bi-Monthly. :p
Certainly the most daunting, stranger filled forum I've ever wanted to read and occasionally post in :)
Unlike the OP I'm arrogant enough to consider myself pretty intelligent haha... but the sheer volume of reading / learning that is available in the field of 'philosophy' that a number here seem to have engaged in, tends to make me feel a tad useless reading the threads. I'm extremely interested in the analysis of human thought / motivation, but sometimes reading too much of others views on the subject seems to diminish my own capacity for 'original' thought on the matter. (I say 'original' as it would be original to me, but no doubt thought previously, likely written down more intelligently / wordily, by many others prior)
I often feel I find more benefit in the to and fro of discussion than with mind buried in text... the crushing weight of others knowledge on the matter is a bit daunting to these desires :)
Blowtus said:
but sometimes reading too much of others views on the subject seems to diminish my own capacity for 'original' thought on the matter. (I say 'original' as it would be original to me, but no doubt thought previously, likely written down more intelligently / wordily, by many others prior)

personally I don't consider that a bad thing. if I find someone else with the same idea as me it's almost a fast track to get where I'm going until I find they went where I'm not, and then I have to carry on making headway on my own. it's time saver :lol:

and hell, original ideas are rare these days. I like Edward O. Wilson's idea, "We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely."
Seditious said:
personally I don't consider that a bad thing. if I find someone else with the same idea as me it's almost a fast track to get where I'm going until I find they went where I'm not, and then I have to carry on making headway on my own. it's time saver :lol:

and hell, original ideas are rare these days. I like Edward O. Wilson's idea, "We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely."

I have wrestled with this a bit myself - being relatively new to Philosophy and all. When I first read Schopenhauer 'On Thinking For Yourself' I was suddenly accutely aware that I may be absorbing too many ideas of others rather than exploring my own. But upon reflection this really wasn't the case at all. Indeed, much of what drew me to Philosophy in the first place was(as you also noted) seeing some of my own thoughts reflected in the works of the "Masters." This made it much more tangible and meaningful for me, rather than simply chasing abstract ideas for the sake of it.(I didn't follow the acedemic path - so this may seem rather obvious to some who have)
Still, I like to view my Philosophical pursuits as ultimately teaching me How to think or go about thinking...but not necessarily What to think.
I personally don't read philosophy for much the same reason, as it is probably more important in life to know how to think than what to think, and what you think over what others think.