Should we expect an announcement this week?

Rob indicated that if the headliner went through, it would blow the roof off the festival. Joke band names aside, not one single band mentioned since he stated that fits that description. I don't care how much you like Impaled Nazarene, they won't sell more than 30 tickets on their own.
Dark One.
I agree 100%.
The bottom line is EVERYONE here definitely has their own interpretation over what bands will "draw".

I think when booking fests, you have to put together a unique package that will appeal more to the masses as opposed to banking on one "home run" headliner.

So far, I think Powerfest is on the right track for this year. I think there are enough bands where people at the end of the day are going to go, "You know what, I have heard a lot of good things about BAND X or BAND Y, maybe I will go check it out"
Rob indicated that if the headliner went through, it would blow the roof off the festival. Joke band names aside, not one single band mentioned since he stated that fits that description. I don't care how much you like Impaled Nazarene, they won't sell more than 30 tickets on their own.
I was hoping for a big name powermetal band, but that appears out based on Rob's latest comments. It's got to be big for CPF to hope to really pack them in. Who are some bigger named black/death bands that are realistic, and also have an ability to sell some tickets? Are we talking someone like Immortal, Satyricon, Nile .... shoot I don't know those genre's all that well, so I don't know who's touring where, or what's possible. I also don't have a good gauge on how these different bands draw.

Why are you guys assuming a black metal band?
I'm assuming a death or black metal band because Rob basically said that he felt the band they have in mind would fit in real well with that Saturday lineup. That lineup for Saturday consists of Thurisaz, November's Doom, Saturnus, and Martyr. Each band has harsh vocals. I guess it could be a melo-death, or heavier thrash headliner, but I'm guessing Prog and Power metal are out.

Well, I'm assuming a death metal band, because Rob has said no more doom or black, and those are the three genres appearing on Saturday. Unless, the "perfect fit" band is a complement to the lineup, from a different genre.
He ruled out black metal, huh? I recall Rob ruling out Doom, but I couldn't remember if he ruled Black out of not.


PS I went back and read that post that Rob made after the Saturnus announcement .. he basically said there would be no more doom, or doomish bands, but did not rule out Black metal.

"And no, there won't be any more "doom" "or "doom-ish" bands"

Going back further to the Thurisaz announcement thread Rob said the following.

"This is as close as we'll get to a black metal band this year, & I really think black metal fans will like these guys too."
Hmm... what's Morbid Angel up to these days? Their tour dates haven't been updated since last year.

Britt, the Immortal call was a nice idea, but they're playing several Euro fests at that time and are playing two U.S. shows in July. I can't imagine them making two trips over.

Satyricon makes a lot of sense, except that I just don't see them being the type of draw that would "blow the roof" off the fest. That said, I hope I'm wrong, and if they were announced, I'd make my travel plans then and there. Same exact scenario with Orphaned Land.

I may as well just throw this out there right now. Is Heaven and Hell too big to play this festival? They play NYC on March 30th, and do not have any further scheduled dates beyond that which I see. The last update indicated more dates would follow (including U.S. dates).

They, without question, would A) blow the roof off the festival, B) fit with the Saturday vibe, C) make everyone who didn't already make their travel plans "kick themselves for it", D) would be a band that I wouldn't blame Rob for not wanting to "jinx" the possible confirmation and E) are also a band that I could see it being difficult to nail down an answer from since all involved are probably incredibly busy right now.

They are the only band that makes perfect sense in terms of everything Rob has said so far. The only huge question is, are they too big to play the fest? I'd lean towards "yeah, probably", but you never know.

I may as well just throw this out there right now. Is Heaven and Hell too big to play this festival? They play NYC on March 30th, and do not have any further scheduled dates beyond that which I see. The last update indicated more dates would follow (including U.S. dates).

They, without question, would A) blow the roof off the festival, B) fit with the Saturday vibe, C) make everyone who didn't already make their travel plans "kick themselves for it", D) would be a band that I wouldn't blame Rob for not wanting to "jinx" the possible confirmation and E) are also a band that I could see it being difficult to nail down an answer from since all involved are probably incredibly busy right now.

They are the only band that makes perfect sense in terms of everything Rob has said so far. The only huge question is, are they too big to play the fest? I'd lean towards "yeah, probably", but you never know.

I'd think that they are a bit too big for The Pearl Room, and for Chicago Powerfest, but you never know. Their scheduled tour dates have them playing pretty large places .. at least twice the size of The Pearl Room. I've heard capacity at Radio City Music Hall is 6,000 .. The Pearl Room holds about 2,000 0r so.

I've heard capacity at Radio City Music Hall is 6,000 .. The Pearl Room holds about 2,000 or so.

Yeah, I definitely took that into consideration, and also that Radio City sold out extremely quickly. I will say this though, if sandwiched around other dates, I could see a 1,500-2,000 ticket venue being ok for a one-off festival type show. They are also one of the few bands touring at that time that completely fit everything that has been stated so far, it's just a question of would what it take to get them there. As I indicated though, if they can't do it based on the expense and the size of their drawing power, it's absolutely understandable.

I think the ticket prices for Powerfest would have to be astronomical to get someone like Heaven & Hell. Rob and Chris have talked like the ticket prices will be lower this year than last year. I think it was like 60 bucks for two nights last year.

I think the ticket prices for Powerfest would have to be astronomical to get someone like Heaven & Hell. Rob and Chris have talked like the ticket prices will be lower this year than last year. I think it was like 60 bucks for two nights last year.

Good point and I took this into consideration as well. If it were a true "one-off" show in terms of there being no tour to base the appearance around, then I would agree with you 100%, it would just be too damn expensive to even consider. That said, I think the expense could possibly go down considerably with them touring fairly extensively the way they will be. It all depends on what their response would be for a show of this nature. Could that response be "yeah, right, in your dreams?" Absolutely. Could the response also be "hmmm.... that sounds like fun, and we're not currently booked that night, what the hell?" Absolutely as well. It's not like they're not going to make a ton of money from all the other shows they're playing this year. Still, as I indicated earlier, the answer is "probably" no, but is intriguing based on what information we've been given to date.
