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Any of you guys ever heard of a Sabbath bootleg called the "Eighth Star"?
Supposedly it contains demo tracks for the Seventh Star.

Yeah, I've got it. I don't have one of the actual pressings, I have a copy of it on CDR. But it's not from the mid-80s, it's from the mid-90s.

It's actually not the demos for Seventh Star, it's actually what would become The 1996 DEP Sessions by Iommi. There's some subtle things different between the two (maybe two or three riffs), and it's been remixed and I think they redid the drums (because that one drummer was the former drummer from Judas Priest that went to prison, IIRC, but I could be mistaken). Plus, as a 'bonus' there's a remix edition of "No Stranger to Love" on it.
Few more items I figure are pretty groovy...

Signed by Geoff Tate and Bruce Dickinson from when they played with Halford in London..


I loves me some Cabo, I have a collection and then some of these bottles...


little iced earth tribute..

My rarest vinyl i own..only 300 copies worldwide.. Clear vinyl......Worth around 300..


next up--My entire Iced Earth vinyl set

This is awesome! I know nothing about vinyl because when I started buying music they came as cd's. This is such a great album too and to have this rarity is pretty cool shit in my book.:rock:
You missed the WHOLE vinyl era????????
I didn't realize you were a youngin'.
I would have guessed older based on your tastes.

I have to tell you, I think it is the vinyl packaging that made me a music fanatic. From colored vinyls, to gatefolds, to the full color cover, they all give a special feeling to the album you can't get from a CD (And even worse, from a download).