Show us your studio 2010 [room / racks / backline] - no setup to small !!!






This is what the pictured session sounds like. : If anyone thinks that this recording is beyond two firepods, Reaper and mostly free plug ins you need help.
So is this a setup for recording your band's practice's to get idea's down and stuff? looks pretty bad ass to me
The song is from my drummers other band. They wanted to record live and Overdub Vocals so it is what it is.
NS is the biggest fucking troll ever, you guys defending him must be saintly because every single thing he posts is a lie. we don't even know what he looks like, he needs to post a picture with him holding a handwritten sign saying NSGUITAR and the date on it in his actual mix room or he needs to be banned, if you ask me. you know why? because it will NEVER happen, he's like one of those compulsive psycho chicks that makes fake myspace/facebooks to fuck with guys, i can spot it a mile away. NS, i look forward to you awkwardly fumbling for an excuse as to why you can't do that extremely simple task.
NS is the biggest fucking troll ever, you guys defending him must be saintly because every single thing he posts is a lie. we don't even know what he looks like, he needs to post a picture with him holding a handwritten sign saying NSGUITAR and the date on it in his actual mix room or he needs to be banned, if you ask me. you know why? because it will NEVER happen, he's like one of those compulsive psycho chicks that makes fake myspace/facebooks to fuck with guys, i can spot it a mile away. NS, i look forward to you awkwardly fumbling for an excuse as to why you can't do that extremely simple task.

The pic IS him. That I know for a fact cause I have actually followed him for a while on the guitar sites. He is a VERY accomplished guitarist.
NS is the biggest fucking troll ever, you guys defending him must be saintly because every single thing he posts is a lie. we don't even know what he looks like, he needs to post a picture with him holding a handwritten sign saying NSGUITAR and the date on it in his actual mix room or he needs to be banned, if you ask me. you know why? because it will NEVER happen, he's like one of those compulsive psycho chicks that makes fake myspace/facebooks to fuck with guys, i can spot it a mile away. NS, i look forward to you awkwardly fumbling for an excuse as to why you can't do that extremely simple task.

NS is the biggest fucking troll ever, you guys defending him must be saintly because every single thing he posts is a lie. we don't even know what he looks like, he needs to post a picture with him holding a handwritten sign saying NSGUITAR and the date on it in his actual mix room or he needs to be banned, if you ask me. you know why? because it will NEVER happen, he's like one of those compulsive psycho chicks that makes fake myspace/facebooks to fuck with guys, i can spot it a mile away. NS, i look forward to you awkwardly fumbling for an excuse as to why you can't do that extremely simple task.

And you, my friend are always wrong about me. Quit making shit up and acting like you know what you're talking about when it comes to me. :wave:
I understand about the ezdrummer incident and shit like that, although you said you didnt have time to purchase quality gear but you do claim to own Waves Mercury Bundle? Well, doesn't matter anyways. I honestly think some people are taking this too far... way too fucking far. Seriously who gives a fuck? If he was trying to scam people or something, I'd be ok with this, but I cant see that he's lying about the rooms and stuff... But as soon as he posts anything you people start analyzing every fucking word and sentence, someone even went as far as saying that the drumkit on one of the pics was photoshopped... what the actual fuck? Just fucking stop being such drama queens everyone and get on with your lives. Im not advocating anyone nor am I bashing anyone, I'm just advocating for the forum, as this place needs to be more simple, refreshed and not full of bullshit faggotry in almost every thread.
I understand about the ezdrummer incident and shit like that, although you said you didnt have time to purchase quality gear but you do claim to own Waves Mercury Bundle? Well, doesn't matter anyways. I honestly think some people are taking this too far... way too fucking far. Seriously who gives a fuck? If he was trying to scam people or something, I'd be ok with this, but I cant see that he's lying about the rooms and stuff... But as soon as he posts anything you people start analyzing every fucking word and sentence, someone even went as far as saying that the drumkit on one of the pics was photoshopped... what the actual fuck? Just fucking stop being such drama queens everyone and get on with your lives. Im not advocating anyone nor am I bashing anyone, I'm just advocating for the forum, as this place needs to be more simple, refreshed and not full of bullshit faggotry in almost every thread.


I actually get nervous posting mixes on here becuase I know SOMEBODY is going to try and kill me.

I do not feel comfortable and easy going in this forum.. I love it to death, but it needs to be more friendly, and I don't give a fuck if it's a 'metal forum'.
When was this? that's kind of cool, actually. Probably that guitar idol thing?

Think it might have been. That or Guitar Wars or its clone that came out later. I been doing the "internet guitar" thing for about 15 years. I used to chill with all the guys from Guitar Wars, and sites like that.

Tony Smotherman, Alex Coen. I used to spend all my time recording guys like that for Guitar 9 Records and Shreguy.

We all used to chill in a guitar chat room on Yahoo in like 97-2000

I think I found out about you from one of them actually. Just a few years ago they had mentioned your solo band. You sure can shred the shit out of yer guitar.

now admit to your studio pics fail muthafukka! ;)
Think it might have been. That or Guitar Wars or its clone that came out later. I been doing the "internet guitar" thing for about 15 years. I used to chill with all the guys from Guitar Wars, and sites like that.

Tony Smotherman, Alex Coen. I used to spend all my time recording guys like that for Guitar 9 Records and Shreguy.

We all used to chill in a guitar chat room on Yahoo in like 97-2000

I think I found out about you from one of them actually. Just a few years ago they had mentioned your solo band. You sure can shred the shit out of yer guitar.

now admit to your studio pics fail muthafukka! ;)

Well thank you dude! Smotherman is GREAT!

I've got some new stuff that I just need to record from my solo stuff that I think pwns my older stuff 10X. I'm really glad you like that stuff because that's where all of my passion is.