Show us your studio 2010 [room / racks / backline] - no setup to small !!!


dude i thought my desk was high! Those monitors look like it must kill your neck to be looking up at that all day:(
Take the rack off dude. I have the same desk and my constant neck pains stopped the next day when I removed the rack part. It's a really stupid desk, you just aren't supposed to work in such a position.

+1 - I just did this not even a week ago, and not only does my neck and my back feel much better, but I apparently was getting some comb filtering off the platform the monitirs were on.

Mucho improvement dude.
It's quite funny looking through the pics in this thread, it seems to be all or nothing when it comes to treatment in rooms :)
Some cool setups around guys, nice to have a look at others wombs.

Here's a couple of shonky shots of my old place...excuse the lack of detail and my poxy photo skills...i was just toying with a new camera.

Im currently in the process of moving into a temporary shoebox at the moment, i'll share some shots once the rig is running and i find a fisheye lense...

Soon i'll hopefully find some funds, skills and time for doing a decent garage conversion at my new place...still in the beginning of planning stages for that one tho..