Show us your studio 2011 [room / racks / backline]

how's the dragon working out?

I've messed around with it a bit, nothing too serious as I'm still waiting for some cables to get my new converters integrated. I'm no hardware expert either as I just started getting some outboard this year, but so far I really like it! It's super versatile and sounds badass. The EQ functions, saturation and the parallel blend make it usable on a ton of different sources.
No not much, I did really prefer the sub with the A7s though. The A8Xs go pretty low as it is, but I still have the sub around just to check stuff occasionally.

Ah cool, sweet! Need to pick one up... the A7's are great but I'm constantly switching over to my 2.1 system, and I know that sub isn't as good as the ADAM one!
Holy shit, the most pictures of House of Loud ever seen! :lol:

Cheers for posting that Dan, any super particularly favorite pieces??

Let me know what you wanna see and I'll post more. Got tons of pix laying around.
I'd have to say that my 2 favorite pieces are my Roger Mayer RM58 and Gates SA-39... super cool limiters.
Let me know what you wanna see and I'll post more. Got tons of pix laying around.
I'd have to say that my 2 favorite pieces are my Roger Mayer RM58 and Gates SA-39... super cool limiters.

Nice, not at all what I expected to be mentioned!

Would love to see the live room/amp stable if you've got pics of either handy! Any cabs mic'd would be cool as well, not sure at all how you guys generally go about getting guitar tones, for the most part.