sick fantasies thread

Raistlin Majere said:
why do i feel that there's sarcasm in that and people are suprisingly overseeing that fact?

i dont know why but i feel it also, at least mine was creative not just,

play soccer with a human head.
Because i am a prick
Ive always wanted to bite someones face off. Like just literally bite into their forehead and just rip straight down.

Well done everybody i clap my hands :lol:
yeah there's a line and that just plain wrong i should call the feds on you and tell them your a suspect child fucker.
Draznog said:
^the fact is a belive you your the type of person that fucks premature baby's while listening to AYDY.

Can i have some english with that? :zombie: its not funny anymore :waah:

The fact is a belive :erk:
You "Your?" the type of person :lol:

Draznog strikes again :notworthy *Hails the fuck tard*