The Bragging Thread

If we're lowering ourselves to bragging about penis size then fine, I found out at bloodstock that I need the large type of condoms, my penis is too large for the normal ones you get in toilet vending machines. They will go on but not really far enough for it to be safe. That's assuming you're meant to go all the way in with girls, I don't even know.
maybe im lucky but ive never had an std. and hmmm a hot new pussy (or ass) every week or so, or the same pussy of the same fat ugly woman everyday? i'll take the former

I had sex with my boss once, no, twice in one night. She was hot. :Spin:

highfive, bro!
I had many chances to get laid with hot chicks, but till now I haven't slept with any.

I find it interesting a lot of us are bragging about pleasure, ex; video games, sex, smoking weed.

In reality I've had sex before and been with plenty of girls, some of which were dark-skinned ;) It's great of course, but this is partly the downfall of western society - we're obssessed with sex, beauty, and pleasure. We've become a nation of consumers and drop outs transfixed on the next time our penile erections can find it's way between the vagina of many cocks. My point is no one has won the Nobel Peace Prize for fucking.

I will commend those who have worked hard for their bragging rights, such as the bloke who mentioned be awarded 50k in scholarships. I too have been awarded about 20k or so in grants, not counting the tuition that was paid.
I could brag about my accomplishments in the Marines, but only KD would understand the significance of any of my achievements. Everyone relates to sex.
You want some non-sexual bragging? I support a family of 4, sent my wife and children on a week long vacation to Mt. Rushmore and the Black Hills, own 2 cars, go to metal shows, eat fine gourmet food, drink fine wine and liquor, smoke kind bud, and according to the IRS, live under the poverty line. I know executive/professional types who don't have the same luxuries I do.