The Bragging Thread

I got shiny chansey in my first pack of pokemon cards. I traded it for my first mobile phone.
ITT Mathias is the new Dave.

I know you guys hated that guy but I actually kind of miss his bullshit, lol.

Here is my own version to pay homage to that idiot :

1. I live in N.Y.C

2. I get pussy with my looks alone

3. I have money

4. I smoke some of the best weed in the world :Smokin:

5. I'm fairly intelligent

I'm like a fuckin' rap artist that shits all over people. You're all my clay in which I mold to my liking.

Fucking narcissism!

BTW Dave would top all of ours
Cant say I dont suck now, but back in my little league and babe ruth baseball days I was a fucking monster... When I was 12, I led the league in home runs, had a batting average of over .750. and hit three home runs in a single all star game.

Through my 3 babe ruth years, my team won first place in our division and county every time. I've started every position on a baseball field except catcher.

I felt and saw my first boobs and vag when I was 13, fuck yea, gym class.
I also talked my way into my first real gf's pants when we were 15.
Instead of bragging about trivial shit that a dog can do. I'm here to say I'm celibate, a virgin, never masterbated, had a vasectomy, catholic, and proud of it.
I know everything about birds of North America and can identify virtually any bird I see in the United States. I am particularly good at Northeast/NY area and the Sonoran desert.
Yeah? What's this then?


Apart from damn cute, obviously.
I wouldn't stay stuff like that because I know how sensitive they are about that crap.

I don't know about that. I think we kind of wear it as a badge of honour. Sort of like, 'Yeah we may all be descendants of rapists and bread thieves, but suck shit, our country's got better weather than yours!'
I'm like a mind reader when it comes to Rock, Paper, Scissors. Pretty much undefeated.

I throw awesome wiffle ball pitches even though I've never actually played against anybody.

I caught a foul ball at the first baseball game I ever went to.