Significantly more than 1000 things you've noticed about Dark Tranquillity -

Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
Amazing!!! How come? I wonder why that is, since they have even come to CR :rock: , which is, well, a lot smaller than Brazil (maybe that's why they came?:p ). I cannot think of any reason of not going to Brazil, maybe they don't like the weather?

I think its a Swedish Death Metal curse hahahaha, In Flames cancelled 2 gigs here, Entombed cancelled here too, the only swedish death band that played here is Dismember, Opeth will play here in September, lets see hahahahaha
None has answered my question yet.... Fact number 82? Where?

867. DT-members believe that soon means in a none-existant future.
868. If you change every N in Mikal Stanne's name with to Bs, he would be called Mikael Stabbe.
869. If you change every N in Nicklas Sundin's name to a Ds, he would be called Dicklas Suddid.
870. If you change every letter in Martin Brändströms name to a Ds, he would be called Dddddd Dddddddddd.
871. I do not think he would like that.
872. If you change every S in Anders Jivarp's name to As, his name would be Andera Jivarp.
873. I actually thought that was his name before. :p
874. If you change every A, E, O and I in Martin Henrikssons name to Ds, he would not have a single vowel in his name.
875. If you change every N in Michael Nicklasson's name to Ds, he would be called Michael Dicklasson.

875. If you change every N in Michael Nicklasson's name to Ds, his name would be. Michael Dicklassod

876. The name you get when you change nicky's name is really funny :)

I still havn't got any answeres on my question...
Yeah.... But I can continue to ask that questions untill it will be answered... I'm stuborn... as a bitch. And yeah 870 rocks. It would be really cool. Maybe we should tell him to do that.

A thread about what?
King Chaos said:
84. They started the band when they were very young and were hoping to be the next pet shop boys... with guitars.
85. Henriksson has big mean dreadlocks and when he does a windmill, they combine forces to make one big killer sausage dread, which I'd wager has the power to cave in walls if swung with the right intensity and timing.
86. It is at least one of the members' dream to swim with dolphins in the ocean off the coast of Daytona.
87. Anders Jivarp is the strongest member of the band, and has probably beaten every member of the band in an arm wrestle at least thrice.
88. They have a song about and inspired by the short story "Nightfall" by Isaac Asimov.
89. Niklas Sundin also has some art inspired by imagery of the same short story.
90. If you put all of Dark Tranquillitys albums next to each other, and look at it from a distance, it makes you really happy.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Harhar..... I just did that. There's no harm in that. I can't lick my elbows though. Ooooh. I'll just ask Siren. Where is she when I need her?

882. God had a different hair-quallity in the old videos.
883. His hair look better now.
884. It's curly now.
885. It was more fluffy then.

I think MartinB would like it. he would be the only person in the world called Dddddd Dddddddddd

886. If "Brandstorm" would cahange his name to Dddddd Dddddddddd, he would be the only person in the world called that.
Traveler In Time said:
I think its a Swedish Death Metal curse hahahaha, In Flames cancelled 2 gigs here, Entombed cancelled here too, the only swedish death band that played here is Dismember, Opeth will play here in September, lets see hahahahaha

Haha LOL :lol: . Hehe actually Dismember played here also, but actually it was the less-full big konzert ever in CR. I mean really, I'm starting to think that most CRns only listen to trendy metal, such as COB.

It was quite amazing that when the konzert started only 150- were there. 150- FUCKIN PEOPLE FOR FUCKING DISMEMBER!!!.

I still get angry when thinking about it.... I remember that the people who brought them here were so desperate to sell some tickets in the afternoon of the konzert, that they were selling 2 tickets for $18!!!!

And still nobody went.

Still, it was quite a good konzert, and I got my poster signed :) . And I told Matti Karki to come back again, and he said: Oh, we will, we will"

Of course that was a huge lie, they wouldm't want to come again ever. Heck, if I were a member of the band I wouldn't like to come either.

Opeth will probably come here too, but I don't like Opeth. At all. As a matter, of fact, I hate it.

865: DT is now working on a new album.

:) :kickass: :rock: :kickass: :) :) :) :kickass: :kickass: :rock: :rock:
888: God created DT in 6 days, each day a member and their respective instrument.
889: On day one He created Stanne as His voice.
890: On day two He created Sundin as His eyes.
891: On day three He created Henriksson as His ears.
892: On day four He created Jivarp as His arms.
893: On day five He created Niklasson as His heartbeat.
894: On day six He created Brändström as His breath.
895: On day seven Dark Tranquillity played live.