Blitzkrieg Pajo
Tritonus said:Well, Stanne is not to common. I guess there's no more than 10 housholds or something. Maybe less. My surename - Warfvinge is not common either, maybe 80 households. But there are som thieves who's stolen our name and have called themself Warfving. That's eaven less common. There are maybe 2 or 3 houses of Warfving.
More uncommon names are:
Silvegren (Silve(r)branch)
Parfors (pairstream)
Svinhufvud (pig's head)
Harre (Bunny with an R to much)
Kugelberg ( Kugel (not a real word) mountain)
etc etc
Kugelberg actually means "Bullet mountain" or "Ball mountain" (which is more likely to be associated with) in German. Er and.. guys.. "ball" in the sense of "bowl", not your balls