Slate Digital TRIGGER Drum Replacer - Now Available

But because it's coded by Massey it will be amazing, no matter what. Even if it makes ice cream sundaes instead of replacing drums. Massey is the man and everything he touches turns to gold.

I've never used sound replacer to be honest, it works the same way? But with one sample only right? Wasn't aware that you could manually place trigger points and stuff, that's cool.
I have DTM and yeah it's good and this update would be good, I'd still rather have the MIDI functions working within TRIGGER, so much easier.
Hi Rich. What kind of internet connection do you have? Right now I'm downloading the at 600kps. Let me know, and sorry for your troubles.
dudes the midi features work like a charm in PT.
Just turn midi on on the settings and set the note you want to trigger.
It's great to use the midi feature because even though the plugin says 490 delay (or whatever it is) it triggers midi with no delay.


Please can you give us step by step instructions on how you did this?

Even Steven Slate says the MIDI in PT doesn't work...
New/updated version of Massey DTM, that's more or less how the current version looks. DTM is the best plugin in the world. Like Drumtracker but built into the DAW. Doesn't run in realtime or anything, you get to analyze the audio and manually adjust things.

That's the beauty of Audiosuite plugins. They give developers the flexibility to code things like DTM, which are basically new "functions" built into Pro Tools. No other DAW really lets you code plugins like that, everything has to be done as an online/realtime insert, not an offline process. That's why Vocalign rules in Pro Tools and is annoying in Logic.

Closer inspection shows a "samples" button. I'm thinking this plugin will allow you to generate an AUDIO file that has all the drum samples you want to use preplaced to match up with the trigger points you set in the interface.

So basically, you click an audio region, run this "DMA" plug of Massey's as Audiosuite. Analyze the region, check the hit points and make sure it has everything right (including velocities which are indicated by the height of the yellow lines), then set up what samples you want to use in the "Samples" window, then drag and drop a generated wav file from the Audiosuite interface onto a new track.

THIS WILL BE FUCKING AMAZING. I will switch back to Pro Tools for this.

EDIT: Those 5 blocks at the bottom look like maybe they would hold the samples you are going to use? 5 random samples per layer or perhaps 5 layers with x samples each?

FUCK YES!!!!! I can't wait. I absolutely LOVE DTM!!!
Downloading samples now... Slowly but (hopefully) surely...

EDIT: Owned, internet died, download manager can't resume the download because the links are login protected so they just fail. FML. If I can't get the whole file in one snatch then I'm toast.

dudes the midi features work like a charm in PT.
Just turn midi on on the settings and set the note you want to trigger.
It's great to use the midi feature because even though the plugin says 490 delay (or whatever it is) it triggers midi with no delay.


MIDI PT instructions:
Write down some notes on a midi track.
What you need to set up now, is to set multiple output to multiple instances of trigger, so let's say you got this midi file with 5 notes for kick snare and 3 toms, each trigger instance will trigger a note
To set multiple output click command (on mac) or control (on windows ... can't remeber if it's control or not on windows) and set the first output
Go to Trigger : open settings ->set midi in to "on"
Set Midi In Note to the note in the midi file
Repeat this for each note
click play -> rock on hell yeah !
Didn't set the midi output on trigger, I really don't need it
