Slate Digital TRIGGER Drum Replacer - Now Available

By the looks of things I think we're going to get the updated trigger, instrument maker and all the midi tutorials at once. Looking forward to it.

Typo I think, what you really mean is all broken into 9 part downloads each, released 2 months apart, with at least 1/3 of the zip archives being corrupted, and THEN we will find out that Instrument Maker only lets you use WAV files that were recorded with the new Slate drum mic kit, but the users were never told that because no one specifically asked "do you need to use a new product that doesn't exist yet to use your own WAVs in instrument maker?"
Typo I think, what you really mean is all broken into 9 part downloads each, released 2 months apart, with at least 1/3 of the zip archives being corrupted, and THEN we will find out that Instrument Maker only lets you use WAV files that were recorded with the new Slate drum mic kit, but the users were never told that because no one specifically asked "do you need to use a new product that doesn't exist yet to use your own WAVs in instrument maker?"

lol I don't know man I downloaded all the files in like 2 hours and none of them were corrupt
Not all of us have Drumagog. The point is the product doesn't yet have the advertised features I paid for it to have. If I buy a new car and it comes from the factory without a steering wheel I think I have every right to be impatient even though the steering wheel on my old car still works. When I have worked with MIDI into Drumagog in other studios though I have had problems getting it to playback properly, at least in Pro Tools :/
Right, but I never bought that PoS plugin and apTrigga lacks multisampled dynamic support. I'd quite like to use the product I paid for as it were advertised, not as it was given to us. Once again, it seems we've got an epic Slate fail on our hands.

I like the products well enough, but running a business is obviously not anyone at the company's specialty.
There were angry times, then slate released trigger and everybody was happy and said "sorry for everything i have said about it, it just rocks so much". Now that the euphory has passed, it's angry time again.

And on and on :)
Yeah it's great to watch the public opinion sway with the wind. Gearslutz is ground zero for watching this on a microcosmic level.

I knew what was coming with Trigger, I never pushed for early release, then demanded that it have more features than possible given it was rushed out to meet demand. Admittedly they could have handled their constant release date delays with a bit more tact... mostly by saying 'it'll be done when it's done', or 'Q2, 2010'.

Then again, releasing the program with full functionality would also be an admirable goal to set for the next product.
There were angry times, then slate released trigger and everybody was happy and said "sorry for everything i have said about it, it just rocks so much". Now that the euphory has passed, it's angry time again.

And on and on :)

Yeah, and it does rock - it's just not usable in it's current form.

When Trigger was originally announced, there was ABSOLUTELY NO MENTION of the Instrument Maker being a separate program or that it would come 3-4 weeks AFTER the release of the plugin. We only found this out after buying the plugin, trying and failing to load our own multisampled sets, and then asking on the forum.

No mention of it on the site.

No mention of it in the manual.

We had to ASK why an advertised portion of the plugin wasn't included, and now we have to wait even longer to use it as intended.

Honestly, in my opinion, this was an effort on Slate's part to get Trigger released well before Drumagog5, despite the fact that the complete plugin WAS NOT FINISHED.

I knew what was coming with Trigger, I never pushed for early release, then demanded that it have more features than possible given it was rushed out to meet demand.

This is precisely the problem... we thought we knew what was coming with Trigger, expected it on the release date they set, and then didn't receive it. Regardless of whether or not it was rushed, it was released as an incomplete product, something it seems Slate does without fail so far.

Again, I dig the products for the most part, but a business model built on releasing half-assed projects and finishing them up after release as an 'update' is total bullshit. Until the track record is improved, this is most definitely my last purchase from Yellow (Brown?) Matter Entertain(t)ment.
Anyway you paid it 50% less of the real it's still a good deal, also if we have to wait 3 weeks.

Anyway that's because I was only paying for the plugin and the organization of the samples, as I've already paid for the samples in the it's a totally invalid point, also waiting 3 weeks to use something I've purchased is bullshit.
Anyway that's because I was only paying for the plugin and the organization of the samples, as I've already paid for the samples in the it's a totally invalid point, also waiting 3 weeks to use something I've purchased is bullshit.


I would've bought Trigger EX if there was no Platinum discount, I just wanted the plugin in the first place. So because I got a discount for already buying all the samples that they forced me to buy again I don't deserve to use my own samples or something?
Hey guys, we are releasing the update which fixes the midi issue in Pro Tools and Logic. This was an immediate issue which my team got done rather quickly. Check your emails for update notices.

The instrument maker is a very powerful tool and I think you'll find it easier being outside of the plugin. It will be done as fast as I possibley can, thanks for understanding, and I hope you are all enjoying TRIGGER.

Hey guys, we are releasing the update which fixes the midi issue in Pro Tools and Logic. This was an immediate issue which my team got done rather quickly. Check your emails for update notices.

The instrument maker is a very powerful tool and I think you'll find it easier being outside of the plugin. It will be done as fast as I possibley can, thanks for understanding, and I hope you are all enjoying TRIGGER.


Hey slate

I own everything you've made, what are my options on getting into trigger (upgrade path)
