Slate Digital TRIGGER Drum Replacer - Now Available

It FINALLY works for me!
I was the 12th customer and I was so stoked that I entered the lisence key on my old (invalid, never used) iLok account, then deleted it because I thought I could add it to my actual account (I was very tired, it was late : C).
After 26 messages (over 4 weeks today haha) between me and Alex and Fabrice (<3) at Slate Digital it finally works!
Did I read somewhere here that Slate will be doing cymbals especially for people who've asked for it here? I'm sure I read something to that effect, or at least he said he'd be providing something especially for people who asked for it on here, can't find it in the thread now though... Any ideas?

He said he'd be providing WAVs for people here who want them, because Trigger didn't come with WAVs, and a lot of people said they use the WAVs for various things (special effects, etc.) so he agreed to give them... but we haven't really heard anything about that yet...

He also said something before about maybe taking some suggestions about cymbals to use when he makes the Deluxe cymbals, I think... That might not have been in this thread though... It was somewhere on the forum though. I don't remember exactly what was said about that, but it was something along those lines...
That reminds me - I really wish the Slate Virtual Instrument was Random Robin, not Round Robin. Did anyone get the wav files with Trigger like Slate said he would do for us when everyone complained?

No, he hasn't done that yet.

I also asked a question about that way earlier in the thread, but it was never answered... see below:

Hello gents... after all this initial slam calms down, I'll do an exclusive sneap forum request for any users who want the wavs. Thanks for reminding me Joshua.

Will that be for the deluxe samples included and future deluxe samples too?

I already have the wavs for all that Platinum samples, but it'd be nice to get them for any newer/future samples.
0 people have requested wav files with TRIGGER Joshua. Also, the SSD Player is FAAAAAAAAAAR from just round robin, OR random robin. Its got an algorithm called Advanced AMG which is better then both, because its SMART.

By now everyone should have gotten the update email, the only people who didn't get it yesterday were hard copy owners who were in a different database.
0 people have requested wav files with TRIGGER Joshua. Also, the SSD Player is FAAAAAAAAAAR from just round robin, OR random robin. Its got an algorithm called Advanced AMG which is better then both, because its SMART.

By now everyone should have gotten the update email, the only people who didn't get it yesterday were hard copy owners who were in a different database.

Umm WHAT?! Do you not remember this thread??

It was about 10 pages of people arguing back and forth with you about reasons why we needed the WAVs, and then you agreed to include them with Trigger!

From post #104:
Slate said:
If you guys want the wavs, I'll include them with TRIGGER.
Yes Adam and Joshua, and I stand by the fact that I will offer wavs to sneap guys who request them. But as I said a few posts up, no one here who has bought TRIGGER has written my support guys and requested them!! When they do, I'm all for it.
send a support ticket to Alex requesting the wavs with your TRIGGER order number and name and contact info... he's setting up a DAFS database right now..
Yes Adam and Joshua, and I stand by the fact that I will offer wavs to sneap guys who request them. But as I said a few posts up, no one here who has bought TRIGGER has written my support guys and requested them!! When they do, I'm all for it.

Why in the world do we have to request things that you say will be included for the topic to even be addressed? The same thing happened with the instrument maker. Sending request now...
I already have the WAVs for everything but the deluxe samples... I just wanted to know if they'd be included for those and future samples, but I know a bunch of other people on here wanted the current WAVs included. I haven't even bought trigger yet. I've just been waiting to see what was going on with everything (how people were liking it, instrument maker, updates, etc.) before making a decision... only have about a week left to buy it though...
Hi Jeff, the wavs are a special accomodation I'm doing for the Sneap forum guys by request. Just send a support ticket requesting them, and we'll have them available soon. Its not easy setting up new DAFS encoding databases on the server so its not something we can do for every customer. Thanks,