Slate Digital TRIGGER Drum Replacer - Now Available

Hi Ashm, it can work with virtual midi cable. My guys are working on tutorials. PT/Avid really need to beef up their midi implementation, I'll be working on it with them.

Well, the Pro Tools midi features are now at the level what they were in Cubase.... in 1997. For example I read and searched from the manual, but I still couldn't see that you could actually move the selected notes with a keyboard, which makes the process like REALLY slow if you have to use a mouse.
Hello gents... after all this initial slam calms down, I'll do an exclusive sneap forum request for any users who want the wavs. Thanks for reminding me Joshua.

Will that be for the deluxe samples included and future deluxe samples too?

I already have the wavs for all that Platinum samples, but it'd be nice to get them for any newer/future samples.
bought ! cant wait to try it out. though i m constantly receiving email from slate ... every 30 minutes ilok redeem code is sent...
Anyone know how to set this up to trigger from midi in Logic?

I've tried everything i can think of and no luck so far.

No idea mate, tried for ages after on Gearslutz I was assured by Alex from support that "it works fine in Logic and Cubase", but he hasn't enlightened any of us how to set it up though.

Quite a lot of people can't get it working, I have a feeling it doesn't :erk:

Hope I'm wrong! I usually am.
bought ! cant wait to try it out. though i m constantly receiving email from slate ... every 30 minutes ilok redeem code is sent...

i seem to get another email every time in login to download a new part, i have a crap internet connection so have to do it in chunks.
Cubase 5 32 bit > windows 7 64 bit > ilok installed, trigger demo installed (so glad i still didn't buy the full)

starting up cubase > User privilegs insufficient to start a low level driver

any idea?

im on my 5th attempt of downloading the kicks as it keeps failing. got to 304mb (out of 323) last time and it failed - obviously my internet isnt great, but somethings not going to plan.

slate have offered to send me a DVD if I keep having trouble (thanks!) but thats going to take quite a long time to come. steve, any chance you could help me out? maybe split the files up for me?

I still have the toms to download as well as the kicks.

Got to say im dead impressed with trigger. couldnt believe how much more low end i was getting in my kicks, and how much better my snares are sounding purely because of phase alignment. very good job.

FWIW Im getting some irregular CPU usage errors in logic still (at all buffer sizes). I think alex already has my specs of my computer etc.
YOOHOOO slate?? how do we make this work with midi in tools???
thats the only thing stopping me buying this...NOW!!