Slate Virtual Mix RACK

Had a little play around with it and I'll be purchasing it, it's impressive and all the modules are excellent.
amazing... changed all tracks; took all other plugins off and put the vmracks in and sound more lively than before. great plugin!!!! :hotjump:
Just demo'd this for a couple of hours. Gotta say I'll probably pick it up eventually but its not an immediate must buy for me. First impressions. IMO YMMV...

My favorite thing is the 1176 style comp, I'm not a huge FET comp fan but this one actually does something for me, its too bad it doesnt have an all buttons in mode. I could see this being a staple on vocal tracks when I do get it. It really responds in a more involved way than other 76 emulations Ive tried. Ive never dealt with a hardware unit hands on but I suspect the Slate guys really knocked it out of the park in terms of the quick transient grab that everyone is always saying is missing with the other emulations.

The SSL EQ is cool, and sounds better than the Waves to me but I have the Duende channel and while its a bit more polite sounding, I like the fact that its set up like an actual channel strip and the comp section has that smack thing going on with little fuss.

The VCA comp is pretty damn good. Just from scrolling the presets, I have to say it really has the weight, grab, and general "thwat" of my hardware dbx pieces. Again, I think team Slate has really been nailing the itb compression thing lately. Now if they just release mono versions of the VBC, I wouldnt really need this.

The Neve EQ sounds good and may very well sound like the real thing, I wouldnt know as Ive never used the hardware. I set it up as close as I could to my new favorite the IK EQ81 and I still liked the IK better. Im fairly certain they arent modeling the exact same thing but I just find the IK more flexible. It sounds just as capable in the smooth shelving or peak bumping department, and I definitely think its superior at bringing the grit.

So overall, a pretty stellar release, it just happens to contain things I mostly already have covered.
Objectively speaking and hype aside. Is it really that great? I don't have time to demo but it seems interesting from the videos.

Objectively and hype? Don't compute!!?? This is slate where talking about! :D

It do seems to look great but im using a HW 1176 for important sources and other eq plugins so I don't think I will buy it. Just don't have any need for it.
Objectively speaking and hype aside. Is it really that great? I don't have time to demo but it seems interesting from the videos.

imo the 401 comp alone is worth the money.

i'm not sure yet if i prefer the eq-s over the ssl channel from waves. the eq-n is nice but i don't have any plugin to compare it to so can't comment on that one.
the 116 comp is nice but unfortunately there seems to be no all-buttons in. also you can't turn the compression of to use just the distortion like you can on the cla ones.
I'm curious but not in a rush to buy it. got so many emulations already and the soundtoys distortions really do the job for me. the workflow additions actually seem appealing which didn't seem like a big deal to me before, but until theres LPF's on the EQ's and probably a de-esser and gate its still slightly clunky IMO. ill be very surprised if i don't buy it, but I'm not in any kind of rush.

look forward to trying it out, I have no doubts over the quality of sound of it! also looking forward to the updates to VCC + FGX (sorry to be that guy).
My main interest with this is definitely the workflow, if I can reduce the amount of plugins I have on a chain and I sometimes do have a lot, then the better! But isn't the 401 comp the same as the VBC one? They have the 4k VCA there, so it's probably the same algorithm right? And I'm not a massive fan of that one (the VBC one)
Had a mess around with this today. The free Revival module is really cool, definitely will be using that alot. The presets are actually very good, better than anything you normally get in eq/comp plugins.

The 116 is very similar to the CLA76, with the CLA maybe giving you a bit more point on the transient (at least when I was comparing it on snare)

Tried matching the VMR SSL eq to some settings I was using with the Waves one on a mix, VMR sounded way different, might be something to do with the width of the bands, things sound more obviously eq'd on the Waves version.

Tried the 401 comp on kick, very nice, and you get a nice variety from the two different circuits.

I like the workflow, pulling modules from one slot to another quickly and being able to grab new ones from the side window rather than having to go through menu's to find a plugin.
My main interest with this is definitely the workflow, if I can reduce the amount of plugins I have on a chain and I sometimes do have a lot, then the better! But isn't the 401 comp the same as the VBC one? They have the 4k VCA there, so it's probably the same algorithm right? And I'm not a massive fan of that one (the VBC one)

It's not a be all end all suite in that it's not transparent. It's made to give attitude to your tracks and it really shines at it imo.
But that's not always what you need.

Also the 401 doesn't sound like FG-grey at all. It's an entirely different beast.

If they can implement an all-button mode on the 116 one of these days It would be great off course.
imo the 401 comp alone is worth the money.

i'm not sure yet if i prefer the eq-s over the ssl channel from waves. the eq-n is nice but i don't have any plugin to compare it to so can't comment on that one.
the 116 comp is nice but unfortunately there seems to be no all-buttons in. also you can't turn the compression of to use just the distortion like you can on the cla ones.

You CAN turn the compresion of by shift click on the attacl button.
If you shit click on input while turning it, you compensate the output
My main interest with this is definitely the workflow, if I can reduce the amount of plugins I have on a chain and I sometimes do have a lot, then the better! But isn't the 401 comp the same as the VBC one? They have the 4k VCA there, so it's probably the same algorithm right? And I'm not a massive fan of that one (the VBC one)

from the compression style it would be more like the ssl channel comp not like the bus comp. it doesn't have that sheen hyped upper mids thing that the fg grey has. i like the versatility of it with the two tone options and the variable attack and release its def gonna be my new goto compressor

You CAN turn the compresion of by shift click on the attacl button.
If you shit click on input while turning it, you compensate the output

Ah thanks! great to know. i will try it out later.
thank you!