Slate RC-Tube : 49$ Ilok 2 included

Actually, Fabrice did extensive research into tube circuits and also tested out many tube emulating plugins. For the most part, he was not impressed with the lack of detail that he saw. A tube circuit is very complex, very dynamic, and extremely dynamically nonlinear in its artifacts. Its a very difficult algorithm to do properly.

We've extended this offer another week.


Hey Steven,

Will there be any upgrade available to the full version of VCC from RC-Tube? I don't have the cash to buy VCC and the RC-Tube seems to be getting a lot of praise, but if I'll have to buy VCC for the full price later (which includes RC-Tube), I'll just hold off and get the full software then :rock:

Also - Anyone using some more "home" studio gear (Focusrite Saffire Pro, M-Audio 2626, etc. - ie: not someone running into a bunch of super high end Neve preamps and the like) with RC-Tube that can do some comparisons would be great. The comparisons on the Slate site sound good, but the before clips sound equally as impressive, enough so that RC-Tube seems to just add a tiny bit of warmth - Which 95% of listeners won't even be able to hear anyway. I'd love to hear how it sounds on a less professional setup.
Hey Steven,

Also - Anyone using some more "home" studio gear (Focusrite Saffire Pro, M-Audio 2626, etc. - ie: not someone running into a bunch of super high end Neve preamps and the like) with RC-Tube that can do some comparisons would be great. The comparisons on the Slate site sound good, but the before clips sound equally as impressive, enough so that RC-Tube seems to just add a tiny bit of warmth - Which 95% of listeners won't even be able to hear anyway. I'd love to hear how it sounds on a less professional setup.

They all have Sonimus Satson on every channel and busses. On the master one goes satson > compressor> limiter the other is satson> compressor> VCC RC Tube> Limiter gets credit.mp3 Out.mp3

Guess which one has Rc tube and which doesn't

All tracked with m audio profire 2626, real drums but the shells are triggered with slate drums. Peavey 5150 for guitar and bass. Shure sm7b for vocals
apparently it doesn't allow shipping to finland... the registration form keeps telling me there's something wrong with the info i provided, even though i quadruple-checked it to make sure everything is 100% correct. i guess the system is too american to understand some address line/zip code or whatever which is impressive as their webstore is supposed to be international :notworthy

kinda lost interest for now, maybe i'll try again later.
I've used the RC-tube console on an audiobook track with a piano last night, so I figured I might as well show you guys a with/without version.

With VCC: Track 1 - Tragedy.wav
Without: Track 1 - Tragedy (No vcc).wav

I used the channelstrip on the pianotrack and the mixbus on the mastertrack, both RC-tube. VU meters of the plugin where peaking between -3 and 0.
Pay extra attention to the reverbtrails and the low notes. I think the trails come to life on the VCC track; almost like there is subtle compression on the reverb going on. On the clean track they sound a bit dull and muffled imo. And on the deeper notes, there is a warmth in the lows that disappears when I switch off VCC.

All in all, it's subtle in a good way. It doesn't mess with the original signal too much, but adds something nice to it. And I imagine that this effect would be greatly enhanced by using this console on larger projects with multiple tracks. I don't know if it would be my go-to console for modern metal, but for spacious productions, this just might be the ticket.

Since I got this console for free with the rest of the collection, I'm very pleased!
It's so subtle that I can barely hear any difference at all in most of these clips. If it weren't for the fact that you get an iLok 2 for free with it, I'd probably pass, but I'm sure more developers are going to require it in the future, so I might as well get a free plugin with it, if I end up really liking it, that's definitely a plus :P
It's so subtle that I can barely hear any difference at all in most of these clips. If it weren't for the fact that you get an iLok 2 for free with it, I'd probably pass, but I'm sure more developers are going to require it in the future, so I might as well get a free plugin with it, if I end up really liking it, that's definitely a plus :P

My thoughts as well, if you want/need to get an ilok, go ahead and get this!
My thoughts as well, if you want/need to get an ilok, go ahead and get this!

Yeah, I mean - It's nice that they have a demo link... but the fact that I can't use it without an iLok 2 is quite annoying. I'm sure not many people have the new iLok, so the only practical solution to trying it out is buying the software and iLok :guh:

Oh well, took the plunge anyway :kickass:
The only console that realy shows a effect on one channel is the neve.
But the neve is to lowend heavy for all channels.

The RC tube is fantastic, its going into the neve direction but without that extreme lowend.

If you wanna feel and hear the VCC effect you have to put the channel on ALL channels and the mixbus on the master of your daw.

The magic starts to happen with 15+ tracks
The only console that realy shows a effect on one channel is the neve.
But the neve is to lowend heavy for all channels.

The RC tube is fantastic, its going into the neve direction but without that extreme lowend.

If you wanna feel and hear the VCC effect you have to put the channel on ALL channels and the mixbus on the master of your daw.

The magic starts to happen with 15+ tracks

+1 Have been really loving the Trident and API on drums lately.
The only console that realy shows a effect on one channel is the neve.
But the neve is to lowend heavy for all channels.

The RC tube is fantastic, its going into the neve direction but without that extreme lowend.

If you wanna feel and hear the VCC effect you have to put the channel on ALL channels and the mixbus on the master of your daw.

The magic starts to happen with 15+ tracks

Agree, that's also what I meant with that the effect of the plug would be greatly enhanced in larger projects. The reason I've posted only a single track is because that was what I happened to use it on for the first time.

Also, what you can't hear from a single track, but what makes me love VCC and similar plugins so much, is that they really help to gel tracks together from the start, which makes the mixing experience a bit more pleasant to me.

By the way, I honestly think it would be a bad thing if the use of VCC on a track was obvious, since that isn't what it is intended to do. Like Gabriel said, the one channel that has this characteristic is the Neve, and I can barely use it because of that; the mud stacks up so fast. So keep that in mind when you consider buying VCC/RC-tube. The differences will be subtle, but pleasing, and personally I was never able to get similar results with eq and compression ITB :)
Has anyone gotten theirs yet?

I ordered mine Wednesday and haven't received any confirmation on the iLok being shipped yet, nor can I find any section on the Slate Digital site that lets you see the status of your order?