Slate RC-Tube : 49$ Ilok 2 included

Ordered mine like last sunday or monday (with express delivery) and didn't get it yet, just a mail with a download link and my Ilok number. But I live in France so I guess it's gonna take a few more days to arrive.
Got mine last night.

Word is, there's gonna be an RC-Tube to VCC upgrade available soon. Much like the EX to Platinum upgrades of the past. If I find RC-Tube useful, I may well be making that purchase.
Word came from Steven, so it's legit info. I suspected they'd do something like that, very good idea I think.
I think it's a good way of getting people to take it on. I never bought VCC because

A: I've been trying to upgrade my hardware
B: Wasn't sure if I'd use it very much

Getting RC-Tube means many users can try it out and if they like it, make the jump to VCC. If they don't, well.. it was $50(plus shipping) and they got an iLok 2 with it. Can't really fail there.