Slate Virtual Mix RACK

Screw my previous comment. I broke down and bought VMR. I do have some other UAD plug ins that sound quite similar to the VMR plugs but I am very impressed with these plug ins. They really sound fantastic, all have their own character and the best part of all, they take very little CPU! My UAD Neve is awesome, but I can't hardly run anything else with it with my Apollo it's such a hog. VMR pretty much just eliminated all my other channel strips.

Great work on this one Steven. Keep up this amazing work! Looking forward to the next FG-X I've been reading all about in your emails. Can't wait to hear it.
Yeah, it is awesome, and I don't really visit forums anymore because I don't feel the need to find the solution to the 'missing link'.

It's quite amazing how little processing in these plugs gets real lively results, and how that adds into the master buss. I mean, the snare sound out of the black compressor is unreal.

I'll wait until Slate does up a de-esser for VMR, and I am sorted...until GAS kicks in for something completely unnecessary.
For those who felt raped by the fact waiting for Black Friday was better than the introductory price, he released a coupon for those of us who bought VMR at first. 49 dollars off slate digital next purchase in the next 3 days. I personally had a use for it for something cheap, so it's fine.
Still though for 50$ more than the vmr intro price I could have paid 50 more on Black Friday and also got tape machine. Now tape is 150 minus the intro coupon so still 100, not that great. Wish I would have waited still, it is the only slate plugin I don't have.
I snagged the vmr and vtm for $200. I really like the vmr so far. Haven't gotten too in depth with it, but the workflow alone is reason enough for me to use it over the waves stuff. So nice to have all your stuff in one spot. Still really hoping for a distressor emulation!
Still though for 50$ more than the vmr intro price I could have paid 50 more on Black Friday and also got tape machine. Now tape is 150 minus the intro coupon so still 100, not that great. Wish I would have waited still, it is the only slate plugin I don't have.

Well yeah, i took FGX as i know they plan on re leasing all their plugs as modules... And discovered it's 32 bit only, and crashes sometimes. It's not really worth using now. I don't mind as I use ozone but I wanted to give it a try for the fact it will be a VMR module. I have quite a few plugins and the absolute two who crash are slate's..!
The only crash I have with Slate plugin is with VTM but only when I switch the tape visualization on. Never got an issue since I switched it off.
No crashes in Sonar X3e on Win 7 64bit. Using VST2.

hey wishtheend, any chance you experienced freezing in X3e using VMR?

I've got a template that I've been using for a while and it's always worked fine. With VMR it freezes, without it's back to normal again. I can't figure out what it is though: either certain 3rd party plugin combinations with vmr and/or plugin amounts with vmr or may be the multitude of busing and complex routing OR a combination of 3rd party plugins and the complex busing? It could be one of these sneaky, hidden issues. Because I can't get the freeze with VMR in a fresh, simple template.
Still trying different things and testing...
Feeling raped again, used the coupon to get FGx for cheap and compare it to ozone. But, it's 32 bit only (really, almost in 2015 ??) and being the only 32bit plug on my setup (I think) it's a little annoyance, and buggy. My only two plugins which every bugged on my setup (except free stuff) were VMR and FGX, and I just bought a useless plug unless I want to use it without a UI (actually it might still be buggy without the UI, I'm not even sure about that). I'm keeping it for later in VMR, but damn.
Well yeah, i took FGX as i know they plan on re leasing all their plugs as modules... And discovered it's 32 bit only, and crashes sometimes. It's not really worth using now. I don't mind as I use ozone but I wanted to give it a try for the fact it will be a VMR module. I have quite a few plugins and the absolute two who crash are slate's..!

Feeling raped again, used the coupon to get FGx for cheap and compare it to ozone. But, it's 32 bit only (really, almost in 2015 ??) and being the only 32bit plug on my setup (I think) it's a little annoyance, and buggy. My only two plugins which every bugged on my setup (except free stuff) were VMR and FGX, and I just bought a useless plug unless I want to use it without a UI (actually it might still be buggy without the UI, I'm not even sure about that). I'm keeping it for later in VMR, but damn.

FG-X has been being re-coded for a few months now, someone mentioned in this thread that they're looking forward to the release.

I don't get how you've gone from "I don't really mind" 5 or 6 posts up, to "feeling raped"

If you go to the system requirements on the FG-X page, it clearly states "32 bit only for Mac" a bit of research never goes amiss.
Feeling raped again, used the coupon to get FGx for cheap and compare it to ozone. But, it's 32 bit only (really, almost in 2015 ??) and being the only 32bit plug on my setup (I think) it's a little annoyance, and buggy. My only two plugins which every bugged on my setup (except free stuff) were VMR and FGX, and I just bought a useless plug unless I want to use it without a UI (actually it might still be buggy without the UI, I'm not even sure about that). I'm keeping it for later in VMR, but damn.

It's being re-coded and improved currently, and shouldn't be far off a 64 bit release hopefully by this stage.
The thing is, all the other plugins are 64 bit, they don't warn anyone this one is 32 bit. For the record I knew it was long awaited for the AAX so I knew it was in the starting block for a release, that is also why I did buy it. Also, like I said, it simply crashes I cannot even use it (it crashes after a few seconds, the GUI freezes and it freezes the DAW). And for some reason, the demo version did not crash like that. Maybe because I only tested it on a blank project. Not sure.

I went from "I don't mind" to feeling raped because this remind me of the whole black friday thing, and I'll explain why. You could notice nothing, or you could understand it all this way :

- I have been forced to add money as opposed to an early buyer of VMR to get a 2nd plugin during black friday VS someone who bought it a black friday. It's very frustrating when you see other people get 1 extra plugin for 50 bucks, while for me it was in fact 100 (normal black friday deals). Then, he comes with the coupon thing, fair enough I could say I'm not gonna buy anything with this."sorry for the early birds, so in fact to make up for it we give you a voucher so you can spend a bit more on our store, it makes it a bigger discount in the end but in fact we are marketing-manipulating you to spend more money on us".

But of course I did, knowing the fact, because I had a use for a coupon knowing it was going to be part of VMR which I really like, but the psychologics behind this annoyed me, and I'd rather have chose option 2 (not being early buyer). And I would have preferred having the coupon before, since I did buy Trigger 2 expansions during black friday. But of course, slate comes with this coupon after black friday is finished, which is when the time pressure has finished to make us hit the buy button on what truly interests us, so we couldn't use it in conjonction. But it arrives after, for extra income, and people are going to use it because if they don't, they will feel like they had a lesser deal than black friday. The timing is just unfortunate and people have told him from day one of black friday.

It was planned all along by them, fair enough it's marketing, but it's not as nice as simply making the early bird deal better than black friday, not to mention most in this case are long term customers and he used to reward this with special prices for previous customers. All in all, this is not a real reward. If it had been separated by a year or at least 6 months, it would have felt kind of normal. Or if the coupon had been made during black friday.

- It's two plugins in a row which are buggy, and the second one was not buggy when I demoed it for some obscure reason, I have had plugins from major companies for years and except here and there a normal upgrade (32 -> 64 for example, for Soundtoys) where they need to work a bit on the code, 100% of them are stable, rock solid. I have a vanilla MacOs as well, nothing tweaked nor exotic. The only buggy ones are slate plugins. And yes I did test them, so I knew it, but if I had not bought them now I would have had to wait another black friday, or decide to not buy them now, and buy them later when they are more expensive, or on a random sale which sometimes does not synchronizes with my bank account being full. This is of course all decided assuming they will be corrected soon.

I do like Slate products, but if their sonics qualities were not what they were, they wouldn't get away with these strategies. I like the fact they are very responsive, I actually was on skype with one of their debuggers for VMR, and I am still supportive of their little company image and they've gone a long way, but their marketing is getting annoying and I miss the early days when you could contact them to arrange something in some cases of absurdities like that, or simply when they used to reward long term customers vs a new one.
Yeah there really needs to be a "already have every damn plugin deal" because I already have every damn plugin.
Companies based on subscription payments are only interested in new customers, not existing ones. Best example is insurance companies, there's always introductory deals to get people to sign up, but the same deals (eg 20 % off first 2 months) are never offered to existing customers.

I don't think it's too far of a stretch to call the VMR is a subscription service, as I expect every 3-6 months there will be a new bundle at a price affordable by the thousands of home studios. I suspect Slate's business model is to monetise each of his customers to the tune of $300/year (2 x $150 bundles).

So the sales will always be better for new customers than existing, as we saw on Black Friday.