Slayer=Overrated thrash band

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well........ slayer is awesome. but the reasons they are REALLY awesome lies in the songwriting. their songs give you goosebumps and make you go crazy. all the songs. just give their shit another chance.
Seasons in the abyss is awesome.

Dead skin mask is awesome.

I'm not too much of a fan of the earlier stuff. Reign in blood is ok, but there's only two good songs.

Divine intervention is ok to, but production sucks terribly.
What i like about slayer is the constant raw energy given out along with those head moving beats that break out. Fun stuff. \m/:)
Shit, forgot to log in,

I have to agree, some of those solos a just terrible, but on the new album which was a dissapointment ive noticed them taking up that thing called the wah pedal maybe to hide themselves.
Of course they hide behind wah... they wrote sloppy solos, listened to them slowly and memorized what they played. They are very mediocre. I don't see why people call Kerry King a god and then have the nerve to say they haven't heard of Jeff Loomis or John Petrucci. Bastards!
Originally posted by Pure Evil
I don't like them either. They have a small handful of decent songs but nothing more.

I agree completely.
Only a few good songs here and there.
Dead Skin Mask, Angel of Death, Seasons in the Abyss, Disciple, War Ensemble, Reign in Blood. That's most of the good ones.

Did you know that Tori Amos covered Reign in Blood? It's disgusting.
South of Heaven is actually my favorite album. Anyway, I enjoy most every album except God Hates Us All (God Help Us Retire rather!). The solos are supposed to be odd and matches the leads and vox. I think they were quite innovative in the 80s, but recently have produced the same shit on every track (boring); the "Point" riff was rehashed at least 3 or 4 times on GHUA for example. Soilwork, The Crown and The Haunted have picked up where SlaYer left off. I would still check them out live though.

The next thing you know the guy will have his own signature wah pedal called the "wammy wanker".

For all the people that think this guy is god they will all go out and by one of their own. \m/:)
The next thing you know the guy will have his own signature wah pedal called the "wammy wanker".

For all the people that think this guy is god they will all go out and by one of their own. \m/:)
ha ha. I hate slayer's leads. They are all terrible.

What a bunch of fags.

Reign in Blood having only two good songs? I guess you are talking about Angel of Death and Raining Blood, which are the two easiest songs (along with Postmortem) to get into. Only thing I can say to you is try listening the album more and one by one the songs start to get memorable and the whole album rules.

Seasons in the abyss is great too, and it's easier to get into than RIB. I recommend you check that out, maybe you change your opinion. Maybe not. But perhaps you like Power Metal more than thrash anyway.

Just a note - I don't give a fuck how great a player Kerry King is, I only care that the songs are good. You might slack Slayer's solos, but IMO they fit the apocalyptic feeling of their songs very well. And I don't care how non-technical they are. Slayer's solos are classic stuff.
Did you know that Tori Amos covered Reign in Blood? It's disgusting.

There famous forit, noone had done, what they had in '84, you guys are of a different generation...Drumming is mad, I left em in '84 after live undead, then they started getting the head smackers liking them.

You fucken pissants haven't even heard of CIRTH UNGOL from l.a also...lets talk about cool shit....

You all full of shit, fuck eat shit idiots!!!!


Seasons in the abyss is great too, and it's easier to get into than RIB. I recommend you check that out, maybe you change your opinion. Maybe not. But perhaps you like Power Metal more than thrash anyway.
So what if Slayer aren't the most technical musicians and have sloppy solos. Araya's not the best singer either, but Slayer is about pure aggression. Their lyrics and music are totally abrasive and they are one of best bands that I've seen live. I've seen them twice and they are very professional and kick ass. Yeah, maybe Kerry King and Jeff Hanneman aren't like Loomis, Petrucci, Vai, or Zakk Wylde but they can play with amazing speed. And you can't say Lambardo and Bostaph suck on drums. SLAYER!!!!!
Slayer RULES! :D God Hates Us All is a fantastic record, as is Diabolus :)

Being a great guitarist doesnt mean shit, it only matters that you have great SONGS!

Rusted_in_peace50: I cant understand how you could like RIP but not Slayer, I think RIP is very overrated, but its still a great album. Different strokes for different folks i guess.... :)

ZANEX: I agree with everything you said!
Originally posted by Rusted_in_peace50
look, if Reign in Blood was all "Angel of Death" and "Raining blood" songs then I would love that album as much as RIP. the fact is it isn't like that.

reasons why RIP>>>>any slayer CD:

good leads
kickass riffs, that dont all sound the same
its consistently good through the whole CD
the lyrics are much better

like what was stated sbove somewhere: slayer only has a handful of good songs, which are very awesome, but its still only a handful.

np-The death of passion

Well, you are in the minority when you say Slayer only has a handful of good songs, and im not going to waste my time trying to change your opinion, as I said before, different strokes for different folks.