Small update please??????

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Yes! I am the New Guy.
Feb 2, 2006
Howell, NJ
I was just thinking, thats its been a while since the last update and was wondering if maybe, JUST maybe, we could get a teenie weenie little update with whats goin on about the new cd???????

Maybe there was a recent one but I just missed it. If anyone knows of a recent update I would love to know!! Thanks everyone:Saint:
Damn you! Asking for updates? Not on this forum, thank you very much. Sorry, my friend. That's not how it works. And by the way, I am the only one wondering about them updates (or so I have been told atleast). Now you will have the whole "SXHLM"* after you, so run while you can!

* - Symphony X Heaven Lynch Mob. A gang that hunts you down and teaches you some lessons when asking the "inappropriate questions" for this forum.

EDIT: To make it clearer for you: asking for updates is THE most inappropriate question!
YtseJammer03 said:
I was just thinking, thats its been a while since the last update and was wondering if maybe, JUST maybe, we could get a teenie weenie little update with whats goin on about the new cd???????

Maybe there was a recent one but I just missed it. If anyone knows of a recent update I would love to know!! Thanks everyone:Saint:

Ok, since this place is the home of many comedians, here is the update:
There are no updates.
Do not expect / ask for an update or one of two things will happen:

1. People wants you banned
2. You´ll get all those smart ass replies from people who think they´re in the band.

Most probable reply will be "stop whining, this will not make them write the album faster", even though you asked for an update and not the actual album (don´t bother explaining that).

Last but not least your thread will, as stated above, of course be locked.

So just hang in there and wait. Updates will come when there is something substancial to tell (most probable answer number two).

Peace out.
"* - Symphony X Heaven Lynch Mob. A gang that hunts you down and teaches you some lessons when asking the "inappropriate questions" for this forum."

oh man, someone is so gonna use that for a quote....
RobbM said:
"* - Symphony X Heaven Lynch Mob. A gang that hunts you down and teaches you some lessons when asking the "inappropriate questions" for this forum."

oh man, someone is so gonna use that for a quote....
Not without MY permission! :rock:
Ursut said:
Damn you! Asking for updates? Not on this forum, thank you very much. Sorry, my friend. That's not how it works. And by the way, I am the only one wondering about them updates (or so I have been told atleast). Now you will have the whole "SXHLM"* after you, so run while you can!

* - Symphony X Heaven Lynch Mob. A gang that hunts you down and teaches you some lessons when asking the "inappropriate questions" for this forum.

EDIT: To make it clearer for you: asking for updates is THE most inappropriate question!

I think i hear something.... do you hear that? Anyone else? Yes! It's the WHAAAAAAAAAAMBULANCE coming to take ursut away!
DoomsdayZach said:
I think i hear something.... do you hear that? Anyone else? Yes! It's the WHAAAAAAAAAAMBULANCE coming to take ursut away!
As stated above, there are alot of comedians posting on this forum. But I'm sorry to say... You're NOT one of them. But nice try anyway. Now go back to playing with your Barbiedolls.
There'll be an update in a few days once some pending items are decided on/dealt with. Thank you, please drive through.
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