
nicotin is addictive, i guess its a sufficient argument. There's no more point in smokin than in drinking booze. Just let us smokers smoke in peace, that's all i ask :)
driesje, you know its unhealthy so its normal that you dont bother other (healthier) people with it.

and smoking is still the number one cause of lung cancer, isnt it... :rolleyes:
you should have been at the gig here last month. danny and vinny were begging the people to stop smoking, it was really fuckin hot inside indeed.
i personnally dont mind of the cancer, we all die one day or another right, and im completely hermetic to those kind of speeches ( like the messages you find on the fags packs )
FFS, Marginalé guy, you really do my head in, I don't give a fuck if you smoke your brain into pieces, but I HATE cigarette smoke and I find it's bad for me, I'm not even talking about cancer but the immediate results (eye hurting, smell, no clean air), so just do it in your own smoking place but leave me the right to choose NOT to smoke.


What a selfish bastard, I can't believe this. Why do you expect people to understand you need a fucking cigarette when you don't give a shit about non-smokers who hate being covered in smoke?????
Lenore said:
i personnally dont mind of the cancer, we all die one day or another right, and im completely hermetic to those kind of speeches ( like the messages you find on the fags packs )

That's really cool, my aunt has been smoking for decades now, and last time she was at our place she had this spasm in her respitory system or what and she couldn't breathe for a couple of seconds. I tell ya it was fucking freaky, the sound she made. There's something with her lungs but she wouldn't get it checked, she goes on smoking instead. Proper.
look. obviously smoking a lot is not good for you and the others that don't wanna be near it. but being stared at like you are some nazi skinhead just cos you smoke isn't any better. and thats how things are developing in the states at least. i've seen it with my own eyes.
sol83 said:
look. obviously smoking a lot is not good for you and the others that don't wanna be near it. but being stared at like you are some nazi skinhead just cos you smoke isn't any better. and thats how things are developing in the states at least. i've seen it with my own eyes.
Theyd rather forbid hamburgers i reckon:Spin:
But I'm not in the states and at least half of Hungary's population smokes, so it really pisses me off when there are two or three colleagues of mine who start smoking in the office when it's already banned.

What I'm saying is I don't give a fuck who smokes until they don't do it around me. The problem is I don't have a choice, say, in a pub or a rock club, I either take it or leave it. So who's a minority here?
the_good_son141 said:
fuck the ban, did you ask them not to smoke and they wouldnt stop?say you have asthma and then pretend a seizure if nesecary

Nah, the teachers decided in December that from January 2004 there's no smoking in there. That's all.

But yeah, I think that could be a good way to make them realize :D