So have you bought any "roster" cds since they were announced?

PP AlWAYS leads me to buy some blind CDs. In past years, I've picked up these CDs solely because they were on the that year's PP roster and I like to be prepared: Redemption, Wuthering Heights, Tad Morose, Dreamscape, Into Eternity, Pain of Salvation, Pagan's Mind, and Vanden Plas.

This year, I am already a fan of, but have not yet purchased, the new Vision Divine and Pyramaze. They'll be on the way soon, but they don't count.

This year is a little different, since I already have all Evergrey and the Savage Circus CD. I have one Nevermore CD, but am listening to some MP3s to see if I want to buy more. I plan on getting at least one or two Thunderstone CDs, and MAYBE an Epica. I have to listen to more of Freak Kitchen and Wastefall before making a decision.

As stated in other posts, I order every few months, but in big batches. I'm do for an order very soon :)

Steve in Philly

P.S. - I'm counting up the CDs I buy BEFORE PP, and then thinking of what I buy AT PP. Damn you Glenn. The cost of the ticket is the lowest of the PP expenses!!!
I got the new Epica, I love it more than the 1st one. Picked up the Savage Circus - holy Blind Guardian clone Batman - I do like it, but eerily clone-like. I ordered the 2nd Thunderstone off ebay and haven't gotten it yet, I do have their debut and really like it.. make them play Virus live for me please Glenn?
Harvester said:
I'm just wondering how many of you have bought a cd from any band on the roster that you had not heard before the announcement. Your thoughts?

I know the Fiddler loves Thunderstone's "Tools of Destructions" specifically, but most other posts have been vague about the topic.

Glenn H.

I bought Savage Circus? It's ok but probably will not make my daily rotation. I have all the Evergrey that I can stand (if thats possible). I had Epica and Pyramaze already. I like Thunderstone and will probably buy it next.:grin:
Savage Circus, Thunderstone have been purchased. Waiting on Vision Divine,
& Pyramaze. The freak Kitchen stuff makes its way to my house as soon as it's released, sometimes sooner! : ) Might pick up some Wastefall.......

J-Dubya - Nothing bought strictly because of the fest, but because I like the bands, and would have bought anyway....:Spin:
Harvester said:
I'm just wondering how many of you have bought a cd from any band on the roster that you had not heard before the announcement. Your thoughts?

I know the Fiddler loves Thunderstone's "Tools of Destructions" specifically, but most other posts have been vague about the topic.

Glenn H.

Also got the Savage Circus disc. Good stuff. Immediately likeable to me. Given that I'm not always a fan of the rapid double-bass kick, I was suprised that this one grew on me as fast as it did. I think they key is that they didn't O.D. on the double bass like a lot of European power metallers can. It's there, but doesn't form the backbone for most of their songs. I can actually notice the guitar solos. A nice balance of everything to keep the power and a lot of heavy prog metallers happy. Good mixing job.

I'm still amazed at how fluid and natural the Thunderstone vocals are. They are in no way manufactured. Nothing is strained. Great texture to them too. It's just the way Pasi sounds. There should be no surpises when listening to him live. I thought for sure Pasi would have penned a lot of the songs on, "Tools of Destruction", but he only contributed on one (the last one, and also my favorite). I'll be picking up their sophomore disc later this month.
The Wolf said:
I liked the music for Thunderstone, but since I am very much into lyrics, as well, I was left a little disappointed. I tend to lean toward the more positive tone of groups like Stride, Savatage, Edguy, and Angra...Tommy

That is interesting. I love Thunderstone lyrics for just the opposite reason. I really get into the introspective stuff. Generally lyrics along those lines usually seem to be darker and more epic sounding. That said, I do love the upbeat and inspriational messages in the lyrics of bands like Stride and Circus Maximus.

Having struggled for most of my life trying to find out just what it was that I wanted to do with my life, I can totally relate to subects and lyrics written by bands like Thunderstone. Having actually discovered what I truly desired (my dream) in life, taking steps to pursue that dream (with some success), and being totally happy with who I am (regardless of what others think) is an incredibly liberating feeling. My dream has been revealed to me and I am pursuing it. Nobody can take that away from me. For that reason, I can also relate to messages by bands like Circus Maximus and Stride who sing about solving their identiy crisis, realizing their dream, and bringing it to life.

I never cease to be amazed by the lack of responses I get when I ask people (usually the disgruntled types), "What is the one thing they want to do with their life more than anything else." Most of the time, the reply is, "Uhhhhh. Mmmmm. I don't know".
Eh... I had a few already, mostly from Evergrey. I've added several to my list of discs to buy (Epica, Thunderstone, Vision Divine, new Pyramaze, Savage Circus), which is rivaling my actual collection, these days. :) As is now becoming the norm for me, I'll likely buy most of them at the show. :)

The Fiddler said:
I never cease to be amazed by the lack of responses I get when I ask people (usually the disgruntled types), "What is the one thing they want to do with their life more than anything else." Most of the time, the reply is, "Uhhhhh. Mmmmm. I don't know".

As a disgruntled type myself, I can only say, of course! What's someone supposed to respond to a question like that? There may be a few people out there who had a dream since they were 5 years old that they were going to be a doctor, or an astronaut, or whatever, but most people don't walk around thinking that they have one thing that they want to do more than anything else.

And why are you going around asking disgruntled people feel-good questions like that anyway?! :Spin: :)
Sumeet said:
As a disgruntled type myself, I can only say, of course! ...but most people don't walk around thinking that they have one thing that they want to do more than anything else.

Which is my whole point and which is why they will never find, "it". They don't, "Take the Time" as a certain well-know prog band once wrote.

I ask to make them think about the question, even if it's the only 10 seconds of their life they will ever think about it. I allow them to put their blinders back on after that if they wish.
Only bought the first Pyramaze debut (which so far hasn't impressed me too much - I guess so many people hyped it) and the Vision Divine DVD (Stage of Consciousness). I have VD's first 3 CD's already - and loved the DVD! Their new singer has some serious chops and range.

I already own one of Thunderstone's, all of Mercenary, some of Evergrey, Nevermore's latest, and 3 of VD's.

So there's not too much checking out to do
I'll probably be ordering the new Pyramaze ("Souls in Pain" just floored me) along with Blind Guardian's new single. I already own "A Night to Remember" by Evergrey and a few Nevermore albums. Until I get enough money to buy in bulk, I'll have to hold off on the other bands' works.
I haven't bought anything yet, but I usually don't buy stuff totally blind. For this year's ProgPower, the bands that interest me most are bands whose material I already own. Wastefall and Thunderstone are new for me, and as I listen to some downloaded tracks, if I wind up loving something I'll buy it. Or maybe I'll be on the fence and one of them will put on a great live show, and I'll get a cd from a vendor.
Harvester said:
I'm just wondering how many of you have bought a cd from any band on the roster that you had not heard before the announcement. Your thoughts?

Glenn H.

En route right now are the Pyramaze CD, the Savage Circus CD, one of the Vision Divine CDs, and two Thunderstone CDs (I couldn't decide since I am currently addicted to both Tool Of The Devil and Until We Touch The Burning Sun, so I had to get the corresponding album for each song). I even ordered an early Blind Guardian album just because people have been saying that Savage Circus sound like early Blind Guardian.

I'll probably get another Vision Divine CD and the new Pyramaze CD in early April, as a lot of stuff seems to be coming out then.

I already have the entire Evergrey catalog, as well as Nevermore's Dead Heart In A Dead World.

The soundfiles for downloading are certainly a great way to introduce us to the bands we aren't familiar with beforehand (and also a great way to deplete my bank account :grin: ). I went into PPII blind except for Kamelot and Symphony X, which did allow Angel Dust and Evergrey to blow me away with no warning whatsoever, but since then I have gradually become more and more prepared beforehand. I find that I usually enjoy the live performances of songs better if I am already familiar with the tracks. Of course, this deprives me of delivering my official "I'll be right back; I'm getting the CD" seal of approval to my friends after an impressive set, but I believe that a few of the remaining four bands on the PPVII roster will enable me to reprise it a couple times this year.

In regards to the show before the show, I am already the proud owner of the entire voluminous catalogs of Circle II Circle, Theocracy, and Circus Maximus. I just downloaded some samples from the Leatherwolf website, but haven't gotten around to trying them out yet.
Harvester said:
I'm just wondering how many of you have bought a cd from any band on the roster that you had not heard before the announcement. Your thoughts?

I know the Fiddler loves Thunderstone's "Tools of Destructions" specifically, but most other posts have been vague about the topic.

Glenn H.

I haven't started buying the stuff yet, but it will be very soon. I also love oldschool metal, but have never checked out Leatherwolf, so they are on my list as well.

I bought Savage Circus which was above average
Wastefalls first one which I totally was unimpressed with
and own every disc from every other band with the exception of Freak Kitchen,which I just dont like' and Thunderstone which I have never heard of.Lasercd was out of Thunderstone when I placed my most recent order,so I'll await the back in stock thingie
Wastefalls second one is in the mail,should be here today