So - how many are there?

he's allowed to have an opinion but Force has a point, it does come off as either arrogant or jealous. Not saying that I believe Ermz is either of those things... not interested in attacking people here, nor am I trying to defend anything, but after a few similar threads it's easy to get the vibe.
I'm all for creativity but I just don't see the point in whining about what other people are doing. If you're confident and happy with what you're putting out then it shouldn't even be a concern.
And Ermz, what about Staub?? When I previewed the AIC album the drums sounded just like the last Nickelback...and Thousand Foot Krutch... clearly he's got a certain sound that he repeats...
Yes, but Gareth, you must admit, regardless of how generic and identical they all might be, the productions on all these maligned -core records sound really damn good (especially since I'm not familiar enough with the Slate sounds to immediately pick up on them), I would hardly call them lumps of shit (at least as far as the mixes are concerned :goggly: )

I would disagree heavily. Things sounding really good to me is not about sounding the cleanest or the tightest or the brightest or the heaviest, it's about purveying a unique atmosphere and unique sounds.
This may have been said in many different ways, but let me try to sum it up:

As a producer, you may be faced with recording many bands that sound the same, but YOU have your chance to imprint your special sonic/productive footprint on every band that you work with. I think one of the biggest parts of working with a band, is presenting yourself in a way that the band trusts you AND your vision to make their music the best it can be-- Every band that I've worked with (which isn't THAT many, to be honest folks) has recorded with me AT LEAST twice, or has time booked with me in the near future to record with me again. They have the chance to go anywhere they want, and my rates sure as hell aren't dirt cheap.

My point here is that when an artist meets eye to eye with you, that is your chance to make their music stand out, so instead of focusing on the bad, take the good WITH the bad, and do your best to make that act shine. Not only will you get more business this way, but you can help a cookie-cutter band evolve into something more. Hell, look at Rush. They sounded like Led Zeppelin until Neil Peart joined the band. Ermz, try to be the Neil Peart of metalxcore; steer the boat off course a bit.
Perhaps it's the humor I find in posts about how unoriginal a certain genre/production style/sound is on a forum dedicated to a producer who has carved his reputation based upon a repeatable genre/production style/sound that most of us find pleasing. While I understand Ermz's right to an opinion, but calling out others regardless whether names are mentioned or not on "how original" the music they make is/sounds, is just sort of silly. It's all a mater of taste and while it's fine to find a particular genre/sound unoriginal, surely someone else could say the very same thing about the music Ermz finds enjoyable. I like you Ermz, but let others do what they want to and they will let you.

To each his own I say - if the music you want to make/produce, is something other than someone else - go for it, but don't put down others and expect that all will just fall in line and agree. Originality is truly a difficult thing as I'm sure we all wear our influences on our sleeves. Just like saying that every great riff has already been written, we are just all repeating someone else.

C'est la vie - such is life.
The moral of the story being, most people want to wallow in their own shit, so let them - unless they come to some sort of personal realisation then they're just going to become irritable when you point out the obvious to them.
Perhaps it's the humor I find in posts about how unoriginal a certain genre/production style/sound is on a forum dedicated to a producer who has carved his reputation based upon a repeatable genre/production style/sound that most of us find pleasing. While I understand Ermz's right to an opinion, but calling out others regardless whether names are mentioned or not on "how original" the music they make is/sounds, is just sort of silly. It's all a mater of taste and while it's fine to find a particular genre/sound unoriginal, surely someone else could say the very same thing about the music Ermz finds enjoyable. I like you Ermz, but let others do what they want to and they will let you.

To each his own I say - if the music you want to make/produce, is something other than someone else - go for it, but don't put down others and expect that all will just fall in line and agree. Originality is truly a difficult thing as I'm sure we all were our influences on our sleeves. Just like saying that every great riff has already been written, we are just all repeating someone else.

C'est la vie - such is life.

+1 mahfuckah.
Perhaps it's the humor I find in posts about how unoriginal a certain genre/production style/sound is on a forum dedicated to a producer who has carved his reputation based upon a repeatable genre/production style/sound that most of us find pleasing. While I understand Ermz's right to an opinion, but calling out others regardless whether names are mentioned or not on "how original" the music they make is/sounds, is just sort of silly. It's all a mater of taste and while it's fine to find a particular genre/sound unoriginal, surely someone else could say the very same thing about the music Ermz finds enjoyable. I like you Ermz, but let others do what they want to and they will let you.

To each his own I say - if the music you want to make/produce, is something other than someone else - go for it, but don't put down others and expect that all will just fall in line and agree. Originality is truly a difficult thing as I'm sure we all were our influences on our sleeves. Just like saying that every great riff has already been written, we are just all repeating someone else.

C'est la vie - such is life.

a big +1

In my mind, this thread would not exist if the types of music Ermz gravitates towards was the flavor of the month. And, I think the same thing could be said for ANY of us who aren't really into the whole deathcore thing and we hear steady streams of the same thing week after week. But, when it's hot, it's hot. 3-6 years ago, there would have/should have been a thread about the prevalence of cookie cutter metalcore (which I find VAST amounts of even today)...8-14 years ago, it would have been nu-metal.

Just how it is. Everyone's got nuts to hang on, but apparently you ain't hanging on the popular ones right now! :loco:

But I find it ironic Ermz that you seem to be the one trying to keep civility and such on the board, but then post a passive aggressive thread like this. While you don't name names, the targets are plain to see. Seems a bit hypocritical to me, even if I don't necessarily disagree with you.

Do what you do, do what you want. Makes no difference in the grand scheme of things. I think there is more than enough room for both the originators and the imitators on both sides of the glass, so I say bring it.
Creativity in production is dead because creativity in music is dead. All these productions sound the same because all their music sound the same. Seriously, I can't stand any slatecore bands. I don't care if the production is considered good or not, music is still the main aspect. If he has to put so much stuff in their songs like bass drops automation glitch effects etc , it's because their music is so bland and unoriginal, it would be completely flat and lifeless without it.
Yes, but surely you recognize that's purely a matter of taste?

The sensible person deep inside me says "Yes, of course it's a matter of taste."

However, fuck that. People need better taste.
It's like having a massive DVD library but you only watch Mean Girls on repeat because it's all clean and pretty, knowing full well that other films will take you to unique and interesting places.
That's not to say Mean Girls doesn't have its place as a guilty pleasure at 3am while drunk out of your mind and in the mood for so bad its good type of stuff, or as fodder for 13 year old girls and 15 year old guys that have nothing better to do than play Modern Warfare 2 all day and yell at brits about how america saved their asses in both world wars, but the rest of the time, surely people should be aiming to take people to unique places and to give them interesting experiences.

I think this topic shows which people prefer to watch Mean Girls and which people prefer to watch Suspiria as it were. Business or art? Suck satan's cock or recieve 100 virgins?
This is just metal/rock/pop/commercial right?

My favorite band (Skinny Puppy) is by no means non creative or repetitive or any of these "problems", Ermz might want to shy away from this scene for a while.
That's a bit of a... Non-comparison isn't it?
Skinny Puppy are to electronic/industrial/whatever music as Suffocation are to Death Metal.
They've earnt their place and their longevity by being fucking awesome and unique rather than being trendy fuckers.
It seems like for you it's more an issue of people using slate samples and PODs and getting good mixes.

This is a good point.....I think it Eats some of you "Higher" level Engineers Up like a motherfucker that some of these ppl(POD+SSD) are getting just as good of sounds if not better. And all of you Old Grumpy Engineers are pissed about it.
Just suck it up and do your thing....if your that great things will work out.
No, it's the fact that people are using Pod and Slate to repeat the same damn mix over and over again. If I was jealous of people getting good mixes with said equipment/software I'd say so, but I'm not.
a band that strives to have unique sounds will, the bands that sound cookie cutter want to sound like they do or just dont have enough sense not to sound generic as long is it sounds good to them. the bands that care will actually pursue something unique. this applies to any genre imo.