jealous OF Sturgis
sorry for being a twat :Smokedev:
Yes, but Gareth, you must admit, regardless of how generic and identical they all might be, the productions on all these maligned -core records sound really damn good (especially since I'm not familiar enough with the Slate sounds to immediately pick up on them), I would hardly call them lumps of shit (at least as far as the mixes are concerned)
Perhaps it's the humor I find in posts about how unoriginal a certain genre/production style/sound is on a forum dedicated to a producer who has carved his reputation based upon a repeatable genre/production style/sound that most of us find pleasing. While I understand Ermz's right to an opinion, but calling out others regardless whether names are mentioned or not on "how original" the music they make is/sounds, is just sort of silly. It's all a mater of taste and while it's fine to find a particular genre/sound unoriginal, surely someone else could say the very same thing about the music Ermz finds enjoyable. I like you Ermz, but let others do what they want to and they will let you.
To each his own I say - if the music you want to make/produce, is something other than someone else - go for it, but don't put down others and expect that all will just fall in line and agree. Originality is truly a difficult thing as I'm sure we all were our influences on our sleeves. Just like saying that every great riff has already been written, we are just all repeating someone else.
C'est la vie - such is life.
Perhaps it's the humor I find in posts about how unoriginal a certain genre/production style/sound is on a forum dedicated to a producer who has carved his reputation based upon a repeatable genre/production style/sound that most of us find pleasing. While I understand Ermz's right to an opinion, but calling out others regardless whether names are mentioned or not on "how original" the music they make is/sounds, is just sort of silly. It's all a mater of taste and while it's fine to find a particular genre/sound unoriginal, surely someone else could say the very same thing about the music Ermz finds enjoyable. I like you Ermz, but let others do what they want to and they will let you.
To each his own I say - if the music you want to make/produce, is something other than someone else - go for it, but don't put down others and expect that all will just fall in line and agree. Originality is truly a difficult thing as I'm sure we all were our influences on our sleeves. Just like saying that every great riff has already been written, we are just all repeating someone else.
C'est la vie - such is life.
Yes, but surely you recognize that's purely a matter of taste?
It seems like for you it's more an issue of people using slate samples and PODs and getting good mixes.