So....I got laid. (help)

The problem here is that John took an absolutely personal moment and turned it into a public display, right away.

I hate to say he's to blame, but essentially he is - this is the sort of experience you need to stew on in your own little world, to learn about yourself; to learn where you are, who you are, and what exactly it means.

Vulnerability is a virtue, I believe this to be true, but some things need to be examined inwardly. Not presented to the anonymous, hostile internet at large. Not right away, anyway.

If you're reading this John, remember this: this incident was you in an eternal, original, important moment. Don't worry, rely, or care about what other people think. Only you experienced what you experienced, and only you get to reflect and remember that moment. Learn from it. Learn from it, and improve what you think you need to improve. And keep on improving, for one of these days, you'll perfect it.
Well, this thread provoked some entertaining thoughts. I'd give advice, but it looks like it's unneeded.
Vulnerability is a virtue, I believe this to be true, but some things need to be examined inwardly. Not presented to the anonymous, hostile internet at large. Not right away, anyway.
Exactly. Opening up to people and showing them what you're about is a good quality, and those who abuse this quality are bastards, but smearing this kind of personal crap all over the 'Net, that's just stupidity and the flak John's getting for this is, honestly, well-deserved and should be seen as a lesson to the guy.
especially if he actually left for good, would be falling on deaf ears if that were the case, but honestly there isin't much more anyone can give he just needs to figure this shit out for himself.
That's what I keep hoping for here.
Maybe he learns his lesson this time, maybe not. But we all have bad behaviour we have a tendency to persist in, even though we know it's not the right thing. All of us.

Wow..drama. When I saw the title I thought "this can't be serious".
You obviously haven't been here long enough to truly appreciate the years-old flavour of this well-aged, fine drama wine.