John, the fact that you didn't cum is a good thing. That means you have control over your body...chicks are gonna love that, trust me. There was probably a little anxiety there, which means that you just need to relax...this is a normal thing...the more you think about it, the more difficult it becomes. You can't will yourself to cum. This is very normal, dude...there's nothing wrong with you.
Also, don't feel alone...I didn't finish my first time...or second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth or tenth. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't finish for a while. Your body has to get used to her body, or basically get used to fucking. For years you've had one feeling: your hand. Now it's a smorgasbord of feelings and it's a bit overwhelming. Don't get frustrated, just enjoy it; also enjoy the fact that you can make a girl cum repeatedly. I got laid so much because I was able to last for hours. Use it to your advantage for now...they'll love it. Eventually you'll blow your load, don't worry. You just have to get used to the new sensation of intercourse.
I guarantee they'd much prefer a guy who can last a long time and make them cum repeatedly instead of someone who does his thing in a few minutes without letting them get theirs on.