So....I got laid. (help)

I agree.

I'd also still like some pics and now I want to hear about the sexual exploits of 19 year old karen.

haha! It all started a month before I turned 16 actually, not 19... It was August and the guy was a British/Israeli guy that we had a "thing" forever, who worked in my friend's tattoo shop.
The most embarrassing part about my first time, was not, in fact, that I bled, (because all girls do) but the fact that the guy played "Keep The Faith" by Bon Jovi on repeat the entire night. What a great memory of a girl's first time, huh???

oh, and after that it only gets better. The sex life that is. :heh: ;)
haha! It all started a month before I turned 16 actually, not 19... It was August and the guy was a British/Israeli guy that we had a "thing" forever, who worked in my friend's tattoo shop.
The most embarrassing part about my first time, was not, in fact, that I bled, (because all girls do) but the fact that the guy played "Keep The Faith" by Bon Jovi on repeat the entire night. What a great memory of a girl's first time, huh???

oh, and after that it only gets better. The sex life that is. :heh: ;)

Read this thread last night, wanted to comment on it all day :lol:

First off John (I know you are reading), you don't seem stable. I might be wrong, but you almost seem bi-polar or have some impulse disorder. You can't just lash out at anyone, especially at other members of the forum who have tried to be nice to you before, at least until they realised you don't listen to advice. If everything you wrote did happen (you have lied in posts in the past), the best advice is not to worry about it and try to relax with the girl you are with next time. Everyone who has had sex HAS had an awkward experience at some point. Sometimes we aren't completely comfortable and a thousand things are racing through our heads, so you have to go in calm and smooth... like Tiger Woods :lol:
I couldn't bust either my first time, but it was new years and I was really hammered. It took me like 20 minutes to get the condom on and another 25 just to get it in.

After 45 minutes of painful virgin drunken sex, that I imagine was even worse for her, with sensations akin to someone trying to stick a rubber chicken into your dry vagina, we were on some, "ok, we'll try again tomorrow" shit.

The next time when I was sober I lasted a total of 15 seconds, just stuck it in and let it chill for a while and that was it.
Maybe I'm being cynical but I can't help but feel that this thread is probably just a thinly veiled excuse to say "HEY GUYS I GOT LAID"... I mean seriously, the whole premise of worrying about not cumming is ridiculous. People who are worried about sex tend to be worried about not pleasing their partner, not themselves.
I couldn't bust either my first time, but it was new years and I was really hammered. It took me like 20 minutes to get the condom on and another 25 just to get it in.

After 45 minutes of painful virgin drunken sex, that I imagine was even worse for her, with sensations akin to someone trying to stick a rubber chicken into your dry vagina, we were on some, "ok, we'll try again tomorrow" shit.

The next time when I was sober I lasted a total of 15 seconds, just stuck it in and let it chill for a while and that was it.

My first time wasn't even that was the few encounters BEFORE, when I TRIED to have my first time, that were fucking embarrassing. :lol:

But after that first time, yeah, I was a minuteman for a while. In some ways that was even more depressing, but I didn't really give a shit because I was finally getting laid. :cool:
It seems like getting laid had been one of John's biggest goals for quite some time. All the times he talked about changing his clothes or cutting his hair to increase his chances of getting laid, etc., and sooooo, I could be wrong, but since it was such a big goal, I think he had envisioned his first time being perfect. And it was not. So it's a big deal for him.

Even though it's not a big deal.
The most embarrassing part about my first time, was not, in fact, that I bled, (because all girls do)

Nuh uh, I didn't, although it hurt like hell anyway. My ex didn't come our first time either, but you know what he did? He told me he was nervous and wanted to stop, and I'm sure he felt much better about himself afterward than he would've if he had come running to a message board sniveling about what a failure he was.

Now my boyfriend doesn't always come if he's drunk, but I certainly don't consider being able to have indefinite sex a bad thing. :Saint:
If it were anyone other than John that made this thread, I'd have parodied it already.
Lucky you didn't bleed! It sucks... at least that's what I thought 'back then' I remember leaving his house and I was so emberassed by the fact that I bled.. like who gives a fuck? he knew he was my first :lol:

We all have good and bad memories from our first time. I think that's the main thing here...
and I agree with Cara ... John has been talking about it for the longest time, no wonder it was a little nerve wracking that it didn't go 100% perfect...
Guess I was lucky. My first time (yes, with Derick) was excellent. No pain, no blood. It was over in a flash for both of us, but was oh so satisfying. All those months of pining for each other on this here Neverboard had left us hot and ready to get at each other. Thanks, Nevermore board!:goggly:

Aw, memories.

Moral of the story: Neverboard sex is awesome. Yeah I'm looking at two people whose first names start with the letter K!:rolleyes: