So i met alexi yesterday

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deathstrike from hell

Deathstrike lambtron
Aug 12, 2002
at the unholy alliance show in cleveland, and him and warmen rubbed me the wrong way. they both seemed extremely cocky, and worried more about getting away from the fans than actually taking the 3 seconds it wouldve took to aknowledge us.
i wanted to go up to him and tell him exactly how pathetic the new album was. he wasnt even that great of a showman, turning his back to the crowd for half the show.
i understand people have bad days, but when someones bought all of your cds and pay good money to see you, you can at least spare 10 minutes a night to just thank the people that got you where you are today.
"i wanted to go up to him and tell him exactly how pathetic the new album was"

Maybe it's good that he ignored you then.
K. thats just a FACT. the new album is nothing compared to older works. Anyone that knows anything about metal should be able to comprehend that.

And another fact, Slayer KILLED them live yesterday
i can understand it would be really fucking frustrating being acknowledged all the time while on tour so no wonder he ignored you. unless you asked him if you could suck his cock.
deathstrike from hell said:
K. thats just a FACT. the new album is nothing compared to older works. Anyone that knows anything about metal should be able to comprehend that.

Dude...shut up. Don't tell a band member how much they sucked on an album and then expect to be acknowledged. It's their music and they can do whatever the fuck they want with it. And just so you know, I DO know about metal and I still enjoyed the album. Sure, it may not have displayed the same virtuosity as previous albums, but it was still above the average level.
deathstrike from hell said:
at the unholy alliance show in cleveland, and him and warmen rubbed me the wrong way. they both seemed extremely cocky, and worried more about getting away from the fans than actually taking the 3 seconds it wouldve took to aknowledge us.
i wanted to go up to him and tell him exactly how pathetic the new album was. he wasnt even that great of a showman, turning his back to the crowd for half the show.
i understand people have bad days, but when someones bought all of your cds and pay good money to see you, you can at least spare 10 minutes a night to just thank the people that got you where you are today.

dude.. stop wanking, you don't know nothing about it. maybe he was busy or something. or maybe there happend something. you don't know
Draznog said:
i can understand it would be really fucking frustrating being acknowledged all the time while on tour so no wonder he ignored you. unless you asked him if you could suck his cock.

Ok. that comes with the territory. We are the ones that buy their shit, go to their shows, and if your livlihood depended on people buying your stuff, id do my best to appease the public.

And there was maybe 30 people in line out of 300 at the show that wanted to meet him. not so many that he couldntve just took 20 seconds to say hi thanks for coming.
Authentic Metalhead said:
Dude...shut up. Don't tell a band member how much they sucked on an album and then expect to be acknowledged. It's their music and they can do whatever the fuck they want with it. And just so you know, I DO know about metal and I still enjoyed the album. Sure, it may not have displayed the same virtuosity as previous albums, but it was still above the average level.

I didnt tell him he sucked on the new album. I was waiting till after he signed my stuff to tell him that.

And it's not "their" music. It belongs to their label, which belongs to all of us ultimately.

And for the record, winger had an "above average" album too. That doesnt mean it wasn't the ghey.

Im sure you know a lot about metal. My 13 year old sister loves the new cd too.
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