So if Jeff left Nevermore, does that mean he left the Sanctuary reunion too?

What the band needs is a couple of capable musicians, not weedle dee dees from the glossy pages of magazines. Not that Marty is'nt awesome. Also dealing with the sack of cunts with accounts and guitar illustrated subscriptions that will be @ stage left booing before the theoretical whomever would get off the bus.

p.s. Jonny Smokes is killer
And the singer in that AIC cover band sang in one of my old bands a few years ago.

Some sort of creepy Guru circle is complete now or something.
Karen - You can use it to follow your favorite musicians and celebrities, get behind the scenes pictures and video.. you don't have to follow anyone that you don't want to.

Are you going to ProgPower?
^ Will, I know, I use Twitter at work, as it is part of my job (marketing via social media) But personally, I just don't care about 'following' anyone.. even my favorite 'celebs'...
I get all of that on Facebook and I simply don't care what they're doing every minute of the day, nor would I ever sign up to Twit myself and tell the world when I'm here or when I'm there...... Just my personal opinion on that..
I know it's huge and everyone is on it, like I said... I have an account at work that I use daily because I use it for work...

I want to go to ProgPower only for Sanctuary, ...and it's my birthday too ;)
And Neil deGrasse Tyson. He's great.

Twitter's not for everyone, but it's fun for what it is. I use TweetDeck, and it combines my Facebook feed with my Twitter feed, so it looks like one chain of events.

I simply decided just to embrace modern technology, for the time being; I see no point in denying one modern social method, without denying the whole hog. We're living in an fascinating age where the technologies of the future are being tested and developed, undoubtedly shaping and transforming the social, cultural, informational landscape forever.

So, why not give 'em a shot while we're here?

You all post on internet forums already, so you've already taken the leap. But internet forums are old school; why not keep up with the curve?
Otherwise you'll be left in the dust.

Unless that's what you want.

Which one of these days, I likely will, too.


Though like I said, I'm utterly embracing technology for the time being.
One of these days', I'm sure I'll get sick of my Android phone, my iPod Touch, my Laptop, TweetDeck, 4Square, Google Latitude, Words With Friends, Reddit, Ultimate Metal, Groupon, GMail, Gchat, and all this modern bullshit.

But why not embrace it? It's not going away, and it'll only put you out of the loop.

And until I move out of SF to the deep, private farmhouse in the woods, or to that lovely, sleepy villa along the Mediterranean, I'll take modernity for a spin.
plus, if you embrace technology and follow the right people, you can get free shit. i've won autographed memorabilia and concert tickets with Twitter, so it's not just "omg. john travolta picked his nose 5 seconds ago!"