So if Jeff left Nevermore, does that mean he left the Sanctuary reunion too?

I'm less interested in the 'free shit' than the tips ('they've got Pliny on tap!' 'try the croque monsieur!' 'the bartender with the mustache is an asshole'), and the pearls of wisdom ("If, at any point, you stopped for Hammer Time, I think it is now safe to restart." - Seth MacFarlane).
When I worked in radio, there was a dude there who was the Digital Sales Manager. He was a cool guy, no formal education but smart as a whip and a real go-getter. He earned his way into the corp world with hard work and being a good person. He eventually quit his job there to start his own company that focused on social media. The main idea behind his company is to help put companies on the social internet map that don't otherwise have the time to dedicate towards doing it right. So, him and a team of his close friends started this company and now they have setup and maintain the social media accounts for some rather high profile clients that he worked with in radio. It's been very successful for him and I am glad such a good dude found a way to capitalize on the social internet trend.

tldr; social media can also be profitable.