So my ex-girlfriend tried to kill herself.

so true!!!!!!

I only date confident and smart girls which have both feet on the ground and know what they want in life....

I once dated that girl (borderliner, bulimic, cutting herself), no metal-girl, but she did fit all your points Lasse.
She was super sexy and a granate in the bed, so we hooked up, but to break up with her was a pain in the ass. I was so afraid she is going to hurt herself, so I did this:

For three month I was a total jerk.
-I took a shit with the door open, when the she lied in the bedroom, and saw me.
-I flirted with all her friends,
-Always talked about how I want her ass
-Dont wanna go out with her anymore (no partying, meating with friends)
-Always masturbated before we meet (like 3-5 times) so I was in no mood for fucking, no madder how hard she tried
-Tried to convince her to make a porn
-Bookedmarkt pornsites in firefox
-didnt shave in that time

After three month she broke up with me:)
She just hated me, and told all her friends what a Jerk I am.
But dont give a fuck, I´m just happy I found a way to get rid of that psycho!!!!


I did almost that with one of my ex-gf, but not so far. farted while fucking, made her kiss woman, said i wanted to fuck some other girls, but nothing worked, so i had to do a regular breakup.
Lasse, then you are the exception of the rule.
what if, for example, she is heavily into club music, she has friends clubbers, she wants to go our every night and so on... but you still like eachother. well then?
so true!!!!!!

I only date confident and smart girls which have both feet on the ground and know what they want in life....

I once dated that girl (borderliner, bulimic, cutting herself), no metal-girl, but she did fit all your points Lasse.
She was super sexy and a granate in the bed, so we hooked up, but to break up with her was a pain in the ass. I was so afraid she is going to hurt herself, so I did this:

For three month I was a total jerk.
-I took a shit with the door open, when the she lied in the bedroom, and saw me.
-I flirted with all her friends,
-Always talked about how I want her ass
-Dont wanna go out with her anymore (no partying, meating with friends)
-Always masturbated before we meet (like 3-5 times) so I was in no mood for fucking, no madder how hard she tried
-Tried to convince her to make a porn
-Bookedmarkt pornsites in firefox
-didnt shave in that time

After three month she broke up with me:)
She just hated me, and told all her friends what a Jerk I am.
But dont give a fuck, I´m just happy I found a way to get rid of that psycho!!!!

HA!!!! :kickass:

Reminds me of the old Sam Kinison comedy routine in which he advocates becoming a coke head instead of actually breaking up with a girl. Your choices, of course, were a lot less expensive and a lot less habit forming :)
Only bad thing is. That bitch owes me 400€ !!!!

It was 700€ total, after she broke up with me, she paid me 300€ but only because I said it was ok if we hook up for coffee.
After 3 caffees (each means 100€ for me so I needed to do that) she told me that she made a big mistake and wanted to be with me again, at that point, I told her that I´m more happy then ever, and I´ll never will hook up with her!!!!

So I never saw the other 400€.
This was 4 years ago and I learned my lesson.


After that I gave like 7 girls a "lets stay friends, and we can fuck if the moment screams for it, but no relationship" thing....
Similar experience on quite a less serious, more hilarious scale

When i was living in a student house about 2 years ago, I let a friend from the bar I was working for, stay with us as she was out of home and the job we were working barely paid for the food (i had a student loan for rent and education, still had to pay money towards rent myself, but thats another story)

So anyway, she's a little lithuanian chick, quite gothy, listens to HIM and some of the dark electronica stuff, and she's dating the DJ at the club we work at... this guy back then was a notorious speed-freak and a womanizer who would get drunk behind the decks and play one or two songs twice to three times a night

They were always fighting, we'd tell her if she's gonna keep going back to him, what does she expect...

So this one night she comes home after being at his after work (5am-ish) and i'm still awake cause this was in the middle of my nocturnal days of bed at 6am, wake at 5pm

She's in absolute tears crying an whining about him, goes for the kitchen knife which i took off her easy enough, she cries alot, runs upstairs, i grab my food and head to my room, then i hear the bathroom door slam and screaming, i run upstairs, tell her to open the door or i'm breaking it down...

she opens the door, i go in, and i see little specs of blood and i'm looking for the sharp object, expecting scissors or something...

...and there it is... my Gillette Mach3... (anyone else pissing themselves at this point)

when i look at the marks on her arm, i gotta say i've had shaving cuts worse than this... i decide to teach her a lesson for attention seeking...

i call the ambulance and tell them she's tried cutting herself (when i tell them what with, i can hear them holding back a smile) they say the police will be round too cause its a social issue when someone tries to hurt themselves

they all arrive, and by this point she's regretting it all as she didnt want THIS much attention

they leave it in my hands as whether to take her to ER or not, even though the marks are simply scratches, i'm thinking, lets take this all the way, so i say yeah, we'll go to ER to be safe

so we're sat in the waiting room and she's sobbing, hugged tight into me cause she's afraid of hospitals... i hate attention seekers

They all need a fucking hobby!!!!
I sometimes have the feeling, that kind of girls feel like YOU ARE their hobby?!?!?!

I work at Hot Topic and let me tell you, their hobbies include dressing for the attention and getting the attention. Actually, getting attention is probably easier than a hobby, since a hobby normally requires some form of effort and brain activity. :lol: I still say their doing the attention seeking for make up for some low self esteem, emotional distress or looking for someone else to fix them.
man, make sure that no matter what you do in the future, DO NOT GIVE THIS BITCH YOUR TIME OF DAY

the thing is, you even know that she just did this for attention...and what did you do? you dropped everything you were doing, and ran all over around town to find her and make sure she was ok. in her fucked up head, she won. now she's gonna pull this sort of bullshit on you all the time, knowing damn well that you're gonna come along and try to save the day or whatever.

you need to call her or text her or whatever and just tell her 100%, straight up that because of the crazy shit that she's pulling, you don't want anything to do with her AT ALL, and then stick to it. if not, she's gonna continue to pull your strings and fuck with your head whenever she sees fit.

i have a friend who's going through some similar shit with a crazy g/f...a while back they broke up, and like a week later he was going on a date with another girl. while they were out to dinner, she kept texting him and bugging the fuck out of him...then him and the other girl got to the movies afterwards, and she started texting him saying that she was about to kill herself and both her kids. of course my friend got up, left the other chick at the movies, and went to his ex's house. in the end, she got EXACTLY what she wanted, which was him not on a date with this other girl.

fast forward almost a year, and he's still involved in a bunch of makeup/breakup bullshit with the same girl, and can't get rid of her crazy-ass for the life of him.