So what's your sign?

Yet another Pisces here...

As much as I don't wanna believe in that stuff, it actually holds amazingly true for my wife and I, as well as close take it even further, we've got a book, the secret language of birthdays, that breaks it down to every day of the year and derscribes the person, strengths, weaknesses, and all that, and it hold true....

One part of me wants to believe it, I mean maybe the stars, moon, and all that could conceivably make some minute change in something (through gravitational pulls, magnetic, etc...) to influence our developing body on our birthday....

But then.......

I am a very skeptical person and I dont really want to believe in astrology and all that....There is a really good book out called "Why People Believe Weird Things" by Michael Shermer that goes into a lot of detail on how people can be convinced of the validity of psychics, astrologers, religious fanatics, etc...Awesome book...

WEll, enough rambling for now, to sum it up

I'm a pisces and I fit the description pretty well...
So then if i'm not mistaken so far we have 6 fish (pisces= two fishies), one goat, one lion, one crab, a scale, some water (I don't know what an aquarius is) and one virgin.

We can have ourselves quite a metal festival here, complete with goat's blood and sacrificial virgin. :headbang:
