So what's your sign?

I'm an Aries,
which explains why I'm such an arrogant and self-righteous fuck!

I was actually born 2 days before Mikael so it is said that we are the same "flavour" of aries (there are 3 flavours of each sign).

My fiance was born on Mar 21, the cusp of Aries/Pisces, kinda cool eh metalman? So what do you say, threesome or what? heheh;)

Originally posted by Satori
My fiance was born on Mar 21, the cusp of Aries/Pisces, kinda cool eh metalman? So what do you say, threesome or what? heheh;)


:lol: let me ponder the threesome idea and get back to you (as wife smacks me upside the head)
Not interested if you put Mikael in the middle. Any other scenario I'd be willing to pay good monay to have it on film. Deal?
Originally posted by metalmancpa
:lol: let me ponder the threesome idea and get back to you (as wife smacks me upside the head)

Heheh, I see that diplomacy is not one of your wife's stronger virtures! ;)

*shields self from Mrs. Metalmancpa's patented form of conflict resolution* heheh

Satori ;)
Originally posted by E V I L
You have a fiance? :eek: Congrats. I hope to get there one day. :grin:

yea, I thought I told that story? I got engaged while in Jamaica last autumn, naked and quite adequately stoned on mdma while in an ourdoor hot-tub, Sept 10 to be exact (not a hard date to remember eh?).


Originally posted by Satori

yea, I thought I told that story? I got engaged while in Jamaica last autumn, naked and quite adequately stoned on mdma while in an ourdoor hot-tub, Sept 10 to be exact (not a hard date to remember eh?).



Ecstacy in paradise with your lady announcing marriage proposals whilst in your birthday suits. Sweet. Once again, congratulations. :)