So what's your sign?

Nov 5 - I'm a scorpio. As far as I can tell, scorpio is the worst astrological sign, or at least the most shitted on by people who believe this sort of thing - we're apparently all a bunch of oversexed assholes with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, or at least this is what I can infer.

I thought this was pretty cool. :)
Actually, here's another perspective I found, doing some "online research".
I thought this was VERY cool:

Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs in the zodiac, and one of those with the worst reputation. While it does deal with serious issues, it does not deserve most of the negative things that have been said about it. In fact, it can be very positive.

As for polarity with the opposite sign, Scorpio seems to have little to do with Taurus. In a way, Scorpio is more a prefiguration of Pisces. Scorpio is the first encounter with ego death. It completes the process begun in Libra, where the individual entered into a dialogue with another person while both individuals remained separate entities. In Scorpio, the two individuals merge into "the one" on an emotional level, and this is the first kind of ego death. While the above places Scorpio into the scheme of the signs it is, however, not the essence of the sign.

The essence is transformation, and it is inherently mystical. This is not the mysticism of Christianity, which is primarily otherworldly, ascetic, and self-denying. It is a mysticism that sees the power of transformation at work in ordinary reality. Rather than deny the physical universe in order to transcend it, Scorpio will immerse itself in physicality and even drown in it in order to go beyond it.

Scorpio is the first sign to be aware of the heights and depths of the universe. Feeling the relative nature of all things, it will freely declare there is no difference between good and evil, and be misunderstood as a result. Scorpio sees living as a series of deaths and resurrections, and instead of trying to avoid these experiences it will plunge into them headlong in order to experience the revivification that results.

On an ordinary level, this manifests as Scorpio's fondness for living intensely. Nothing is to be done superficially. Obviously, Scorpio is a dramatic sign, one that loves emotion even while it appears pained by its own experiences. It is better for Scorpio to feel bad than to feel nothing.

Concomitantly, Scorpio loves mysteries. It enjoys digging into the depths of any issue or person to find out what is going on inside. As a consequence, Scorpio is associated with investigation, research, and psychotherapy - the last, for two reasons, the probing of the psyche and the opportunity to assist in an individual's self-transformation.

Whether in criticism or in envy, Scorpio is often called an extremely sexy sign. But if one is referring to the simple enjoyment of sex, Scorpio is not necessarily sexy. In fact, the sign is capable of denying itself sex altogether. Yet there is a relationship between Scorpio and sexuality. It is not the search for pleasure that brings a Scorpio to sex, it is the search for transcendence. The orgasm offers one of the few experiences of ego death and self-transcendence that is accessible to the ordinary human being. And it is characteristic of Scorpio that this is also one of the few experiences where ego death and supreme ego gratification are experienced at the same time. Scorpio does not feel the need to separate the two as much as other signs do. To a Scorpio, no matter how attractive and sexy the partner is in other respects, love that does not contain drama and emotional intensity will not endure.

Although the above portrait is fundamentally true to the nature of the sign, it is not an especially accurate portrait of the typical Scorpio. The typical Scorpio often does not appear especially prepossessing or dramatic. More than most signs, Scorpios have a tendency to look ordinary, and they can be easily overlooked - that is until a confrontation. Then it is discovered that running close after Taurus, Scorpio is the second most fixed sign in the zodiac, and it is the only water sign that will fight. In fact, it will even enjoy fighting, for fighting is another way for the individual to enjoy a peak experience. War continues partly because it allows people to live at the height of their abilities. The Scorpio, especially, enjoys this. Like the other water signs, Scorpio is sensitive and easily hurt by others, but unlike Cancer and Pisces, Scorpio will fight, often fiercely, when hurt.

Scorpio's outstanding difficulty with others is the height and depth of its understanding. Much of the emotion Scorpio feels is extremely primitive and does not lend itself to verbal communication and intellectual analysis. Also, much of its knowledge is not easily communicated because it is beyond most people's understanding. When Scorpios try to communicate what they see, understand, or feel, they are often badly misunderstood. They then tend to keep silent because the misunderstanding that results from silence is better than the misunderstanding that comes from failed communication. Less secure Scorpios may react to the misunderstanding by blaming themselves and concluding that they are rotten inside. Burdened by a sense of inward decay and corruption, they do not realize that the "evil" thoughts they harbor are quite often felt, if a bit less intensely, by others as well. From all this comes Scorpio's reputation for secrecy.

All the above may result in Scorpio seeming self-involved and brooding. Because of the fixed nature of the sign, neither negative nor positive feelings die away rapidly. This is why many writers have described Scorpio as a sign that seeks revenge, one that will harbor long-term grudges. But Scorpio is also slow to anger. If others do not repeat hurts or add insult upon insult, Scorpio is no more vengeful or grudging than any other sign.
My sister's psych prof came to class one day and handed everybody a paper. He told them that from the student records he had found their birthdate, and had made them an astrological profile. After allowing them to read, he asked how many people thought that it was an accurate description. About 90% of the class thought it was accurate.
They all had the same paper.

virgo, for the record
Originally posted by luke
My sister's psych prof came to class one day and handed everybody a paper. He told them that from the student records he had found their birthdate, and had made them an astrological profile. After allowing them to read, he asked how many people thought that it was an accurate description. About 90% of the class thought it was accurate.
They all had the same paper.
I suppose he saw the same documentary/read about the same experiment as we did in psychology class, then... only after they asked how many thought it was accurate, they passed back the paper to the next person, and then they noticed they were all the same.
Tenebrose!! You like the Tea Party...!!

Jeff Martin is amazing.

They are playing here on February 9th, i am trying to get a ticket to see them on tuesday. It will be SO good if i can see them.
Originally posted by Trapped
Tenebrose!! You like the Tea Party...!!

Jeff Martin is amazing.

They are playing here on February 9th, i am trying to get a ticket to see them on tuesday. It will be SO good if i can see them.

They're touring with Ozzy in Canada, and some people are complaining they're not metal enough for an Ozzy tour.

I was thoroughly impressed when I find out (quite a while ago)that Jeff Martin is a big Dan Swano fan.

They were totally slagged here when they first came out, for sounding like "Led Zeppelin fronted by Jim Morrison."
They were totally slagged here when they first came out, for sounding like "Led Zeppelin fronted by Jim Morrison."

He has an uncanny resemblance to Jim Morrison, not to mention the same initials.... But Jeff Martin has said many many times that he wasn't even influnced by the doors.

He admits to getting the idea for The Tea Party from Led Zeppelin's 'Kashmere'... But they have taken it so far, they are by FAR one of the most original bands out there.

I am in awe of them, and of Jeff Martin. I love his voice, and he is an outstanding guitarist and musician.
Originally posted by Saphira

Wow Hoser, November the 5th here also.. ;)

Go the scorpio's... Rarghh!

Hey, COOL!

Ever hear of Guy Fawkes day? Apparently it's a national holiday in Britain but I had never heard of it until a couple years ago, when I met a guy who has the same birthday as us! It was the wierdest thing... "what? my birthday is some wierd holiday? How come nobody's mentioned this to me over the past 20 years?". It involves explosives and fireworks and stuff, too. So very wierd...

Anyways, later, babe!
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn

Hey, COOL!

Ever hear of Guy Fawkes day? Apparently it's a national holiday in Britain but I had never heard of it until a couple years ago, when I met a guy who has the same birthday as us! It was the wierdest thing... "what? my birthday is some wierd holiday? How come nobody's mentioned this to me over the past 20 years?". It involves explosives and fireworks and stuff, too. So very wierd...

Anyways, later, babe!

Yes, I've heard of it.. :)
When I was much younger I used to call it "My Hawks Day".. And I used to go around teasing everyone because I was the only one born on My Hawks Day... :lol: I was a horror child!
I'd like to know the orgin of Guy Fawkes Day though.. I think it has something to do with some guy named Guy Fawkes.. or something.. haha!
I am too lazy to look it up.. :p
Take care Hoser..! :)