Soilwork-Rejection Role / In Flames-Trigger videos


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Anyone that's seen this would've noticed that they're linked... it's pretty funny, although it kinda scares me that Soilwork sound like In Flames and actually decided to kind of 'collaborate' with them on this.
well the whole point of the to videos were to tell the fans more or less that they couldnt give two shits about people calling them sellouts and that they will do whatever they want and make wahtver music they want... in the see them pass by each other in a car in wach video and they both hold out signs...if u can get it to pause on the right second... it says "sellouts". obviously they are jokin around and dont care that people call them that. not 100% sure...but wasnt there a rumor a long time ago that soilwork and inflames hated each other? i think they did this as well to just show that it was all bullshit :)
I got those.. the videos aren't that special, but they're nice anyway. It's weird how they link to each other at the ends like that.
I actually preffered the In Flames track, but that's probably because I never got into Soilwork in the first place.

I think the video idea is pretty cool.. better than some other crap that's out there, but... y'know... embracing sellout-ism is no good :p haha.
fuck anders can't sing for shit...clean or distorted,

it didn't really matter back then when the music was good and there were some really nice guitar harmonies but now the music sucks and the vocals make it fuckin worse