Soilwork-Rejection Role / In Flames-Trigger videos

Greenwater_Pond said:
I loved the soilwork one because they made a lot of fun of In Flames and I enjoyed that, especially showing them fighting then showing In Flames with bruises etc. The sign saying sellout and the snowball tossing was great too, way to go soilwork :)

Yeah but in the In Flames clip it shows the same fight except a member of Soilwork with a black eye. Both clips are identical, just their roles are reversed in each one.
Moonlapse said:
Yeah but in the In Flames clip it shows the same fight except a member of Soilwork with a black eye. Both clips are identical, just their roles are reversed in each one.
Yeah but nobody watches the In Flames version so it doesnt count :) I swear to this day they used that idiot from Linkin Park on Dawn of a new day...