Some prog/power albums I've been spinning as of late...

JayKeeley said:
Urban Breed said that Bruce Dickinson was "all over the shop" in his pitch/tone on Seventh Son of a Seventh Son.
Is it possible he's right? Admittedly, I do not have a great ear for such nuances.

JayKeeley said:
Knowing Urban Breed talked about Bruce like that was, in a word, know, it's not as if Tad Morose haven't been influenced by Maiden somewhat.
Agreed. And it's not like Urban ever gave the impression of being petty or jealous. I felt like, right or wrong, he was just stating his opnion.

JayKeeley said:
I like Kai Hansen -- actually he reminds me of Mustaine. But my fave current *new* vocalist is probably Jorn Lande.
My Lande phase has come and went. I was really pissed with him for abandoning the godly Ark, in favor of the crapfest that is Masterplan. Plus, his last solo disc was a complete disappointment.

Have any of you ever heard Nils Patrick Johansson? He did vocals for the last Wuthering Heights album and is also in Space Odyssey and Lion's Share. His vocal style is different than most mentioned in the thread (Dickinson, Kiske, Kai) but hes become one of my favourite vocalists lately. His voice has a lot of power behind it, and his range pretty impressive as well. He uses a lot of layered operatic parts with different vocal styles.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Have any of you ever heard Nils Patrick Johansson? He did vocals for the last Wuthering Heights album and is also in Space Odyssey and Lion's Share. His vocal style is different than most mentioned in the thread (Dickinson, Kiske, Kai)
Have you heard his work with Astral Doors? He sounds like Dio. Hell, he doesn't just sound like Dio, he is Dio. Granted, he doesn't sing with this style on all of his projects (from what I've heard), but his Dio impression is just so over the top with Astral Doors, that I've never bothered to spend any significant time investigating any of his other projects.

Wow really? No I havent heard Astral Doors, but I can tell you his work on the Wuthering Heights album "Far from the Madding Crowd" sounds very different than Dio. In fact Id be hard pressed to think of anyone he really reminds me of on that album. I'll try to post a sample later perhaps.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Wow really? No I havent heard Astral Doors, but I can tell you his work on the Wuthering Heights album "Far from the Madding Crowd" sounds very different than Dio. In fact Id be hard pressed to think of anyone he really reminds me of on that album. I'll try to post a sample later perhaps.
I've heard "Far from the Madding Crowd". I didn't care for it, but not because of of the vocals (which sound nothing like Dio). However, if you get a chance, check out Astral Doors. 80's style Metal, with an AOR influence. You'd swear he's channleing Ronnie James.

Damien Thorne - The Sign of The Jackal


:kickass: :worship: :kickass:
An 80s band, the album Doomcifer mentioned is a top cult classic. Just simple heavy/power metal with great riffs, strong vocals, catchy and very inspired melodies. Very influenced by Accept and Judas Priest. Check "Hell's Reign" and "Escape Or Die" - the album's best songs for me.
Doomcifer said:
Except it is pretty obscure? :err: Just because this thread is mentioning them doesn't mean it is really popular.

It wasn't so much Damien Thorne that I was speaking about, but it certainly seems like everyone & their brother is bringing back the "true" metal style (Battleroar, Icarus Witch, Twisted Tower Dire, etc., etc., etc.).
markgugs said: certainly seems like everyone & their brother is bringing back the "true" metal style (Battleroar, Icarus Witch, Twisted Tower Dire, etc., etc., etc.).
Unfortunately, none of them are doing it well. At least none of the bands that I've heard.
