Some thoughts of Mr. V!


Sep 2, 2007
This just occured to me while I was watching the new Gorgoroth - Live in Krakow DVD.
I think that Mr. V should release a DVD packed with all kinds of features.
He has admitted to be in the works of a new album, right? Maybe not for quite some time, but he is. It would be great to see what all goes on in a Vintersorg record, like a documentary - because, I still am finding new things in Solens Rötter. Hell, it can be just any footage of any record and still have footage from this new one. Even, if any footage captured, Otyg.
Live videos, rare pictures, almost anything that a self-respecting V-fan would enjoy and collect.

I could think of almost 100 people that would buy it, asside from us on here. Ye know, a lot of my friends like a lot of his work (in any project). So have different stuff from any band, ye know what I mean?

After I realized how many people are going insane to buy this new Gorgoroth DVD, and it wouldn't suprise me if they are out of stock already, I hear it's a hot ticket. Heh... I may be wrong though, they might have re-pressed it by now.
But the point is, I'm sure you guys and I would love a VintersorgDVD. Right?
I just got the paches, and still don't have a T-shirt! They have "Focusing Blur" t-shirts on Swedrock, but they charge way too much. I'm getting there, wooo!

A DVD of Mr.V will certainly be awesome, but I don't think 100 people you know + the ones here is enough to convince a label to release one.

These things cost money you know? :p

But believe me, more Mr.V merch is certainly needed. I kind of think he likes being an under-ground cult band because I don't see him getting mad because of lack of propaganda or anything.

I mean, he doesn't even do concerts, which assuredly sucks.

The only chance to see Mr.V nowadays would be to go to Bork's concert :erk: (and I'm not going to it, so *curses*).
A nice thing would be a multimedia CD/DVD with every kind of stuff regarding vintersorg or the other projects like demo recordings, unreleased or unfinished tracks and/or lyrics, amateur video clips and so on. That would be something different than always DVDs with just video content.
Svarthjärtad;7687991 said:
I think that Mr. V should release a DVD packed with all kinds of features.
yeah, like what?
Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great idea and I would certainly buy one if it would ever be released, but I really don't think there's enough interesting footage to fill a dvd.
Not gonna happen IMO.:/ A concert has already been shot some years ago supposedly, with good video, shit audio. And why not mix some of that footage with a song or two from the albums? Doesn't seem to difficult. Unless it's been thrown away since then? I've asked about this before, got no reply. Still to me at least it seems like a simple thing and something that could be done without too much effort and the fans sure as hell wouldn't mind. Make something like the 'Borknagar - Inherit The Earth' clip.
Well, I didn't exactly mean JUST a live concert.
What I was implying, since he doesn't play live, is to film him recording his new album. Almost like "Some kind of Monster" by Metalica.
BUt don't stop there....
Add stuff from Borknagar, Fission, Waterclime, Havayoth, Otyg, Cosmic Death, Cronian, and this new Gravisphere as well, if there is any footage of the certain bands.

I'm not a big Metalica fan at all, but that film was interesting, even for me, and I love what was filmed!
So, not exactly add a main feature in the DVD, just a bunch of random stuff that he's worked on and will be working on. I feel that would be great!

It may not be something special in the eyes of an everage person, but to any self-respecting V-fan, this would be the golden ticket! So, in that essence, of course not make an over abundence of copies, maybe 1,000 or so. Charge a bit more than the average music DVD, because of its rarity, and I'm sure that it will sell. Like I said, any V-fan will collect anything - or I would at least. I bought the Otyg release, and it is just the two albums mushed together, nothing has really changed, and I knew that before I bought it - and I have the other two. I just feel that it is a great collectors peice of a musical mastermind.
Svarthjärtad;7694877 said:
Well, I didn't exactly mean JUST a live concert.
What I was implying, since he doesn't play live, is to film him recording his new album. Almost like "Some kind of Monster" by Metalica.
BUt don't stop there....
Add stuff from Borknagar, Fission, Waterclime, Havayoth, Otyg, Cosmic Death, Cronian, and this new Gravisphere as well, if there is any footage of the certain bands.

I'm not a big Metalica fan at all, but that film was interesting, even for me, and I love what was filmed!
So, not exactly add a main feature in the DVD, just a bunch of random stuff that he's worked on and will be working on. I feel that would be great!

It may not be something special in the eyes of an everage person, but to any self-respecting V-fan, this would be the golden ticket! So, in that essence, of course not make an over abundence of copies, maybe 1,000 or so. Charge a bit more than the average music DVD, because of its rarity, and I'm sure that it will sell. Like I said, any V-fan will collect anything - or I would at least. I bought the Otyg release, and it is just the two albums mushed together, nothing has really changed, and I knew that before I bought it - and I have the other two. I just feel that it is a great collectors peice of a musical mastermind.

I strongly disliked that Metallica DVD.:) I found the whole thing silly and simply had to agree with their ex bassist completely (for an awesome example of an almost perfect DVD check out the latest Cannibal Corpse DVDs). And I know what you meant, but I was simply saying that if he can't find the time or will to make something like the thing I mentioned happen... Well it's useless to hope.:) Busy bee this mr. V. At least we've got a shitload of bearawesome music to look forward to all the time.

Still, suggestion: Mr. V, have somebody record a couple of videos while you're recording the next Vintersorg album and put them up on youtube.:*

PS: Svarthjärtad, you said 'I just got the paches', VINTERSORG patches???

I think some extra material on the CD, give us a lot. Some demo versions, or multimedia section. And as Vampyrian said, perhaps one video, filmed during record sessions.

Maybe with Borknagar that can be done (like Epic) but with Vintersorg it's very hard, u know? Maybe something like Belphegor's digipak Lucifer Incestus would be cool, a nice digipak release with a video for one of the songs.
PS: Svarthjärtad, you said 'I just got the paches', VINTERSORG patches???

I don't know anything about patches, but I have at rare ocations (can never remember the spelling of that word, looked it up a million times... sorry, sidetracking...) seen pins with both the Vintersorg and Otyg logo, separate pins of course.

Also Vampyrian: That show you mentioned, it's not the one that was going round as a bootleg a couple of years ago was it? In that case, both sound and picture is absolute crap. Still, it's an entire Vintersorg show, and at some points you can even make out what he's playing! :lol:
Svarthjärtad;7694877 said:
Well, I didn't exactly mean JUST a live concert.
What I was implying, since he doesn't play live, is to film him recording his new album.

I would like to see footage of Mr. V eating lunch included on this mythical DVD.

Only that. 3 hours of Mr. V eating lunch. That would :kickass:
Svarthjärtad;7708597 said:
Combing his hair, perhaps?
Eating cerial... watching television... puting in a snus bag... petting his cat?
Great footage, I feel! Hehe.

(Snus - Norrlands Guld - Vintersorg)

strange, im sitting with a Rapé lös, a Norrlands and listen to Svältvinter. SKÅL!:kickass:
I have Skruf! I don't have beer, but apple juice! I am not listening to Vintersorg, but The Poodles.
You know what.... I miss Cider. I remember a time where that is all that I drank. Now, I rarely have it.

Oh, and yes... I have notived he hasn't posted anything in a quite some time. Either he's busy or just thinks our topics and/or concerns are just too lame. I hope he's just too busy! :S