Someone said this to me about Dragonforce...


METAL... nuff said!
They don't award medals to runners who show the most emotion in their running. They give it to the fastest.

Music is no different.

Now that's a damn fine concept. I'ma go modify my truck's stereo to play all my cd's 1 1/2 times faster. That way all music will kick as much ass as Dragonforce!

Bryan316 said:
They don't award medals to runners who show the most emotion in their running. They give it to the fastest.

Music is no different.
Then they should be listening to Cryptopsy, not DragonForce.

I know a lot of people dig this band, but I just can't get into bands who don't understand the concept of playing at more than one tempo.

As my guitar instructor stated to me yesterday, the true musician understands what to do when doing nothing.

Basically meaning, the silence inbetween notes, mastering that patience, and such is very important to quality music.

I enjoy Dragonforce... but yeah I don't enjoy how they constantly just try to play fast. Perhaps as was in Brave words (abreviated) - Dragonforce calls themselves extreme speed metal, perhaps more fitting is extremely speed metal.

That said. I'd enjoy them at ProgPower.

p.s. This in some ways is what faults Yngwie. While he has become less of a 'speed freak' in his recent albums, and focusing more on emotion... all too often he plays his leads at the same speed, crawls chords nearly as fast as he can. There is a lot to be said about a whole note.
I listen to Dragonforce simply for the aggression and hyperactivity of the band. I ain't crediting them with Grammy-winning songwriting, but they certianly do what they do well. Many of their songs do have damn catchy riffs and melodies, and they're addictive as hell. But I wouldn't want my band to sound like them or be as fast as them. Hell, they've said it before, they formed this band simply to play as fast as they can. It's by chance that their music is so catchy!

But I'd thrash myself silly if they came to Progpower. And in May, I plan on crippling myself at their show in Cleveland!
Bryan316 said:
I ain't crediting them with Grammy-winning songwriting...
I'd only credit someone with writing a Grammy-winning song, if what they had written was absolute shit.:loco:
Cheiron said:
As my guitar instructor stated to me yesterday, the true musician understands what to do when doing nothing.

Basically meaning, the silence inbetween notes, mastering that patience, and such is very important to quality music.

p.s. This in some ways is what faults Yngwie.
Agreed on all points. This is why (for my money) someone like Yngwie can't carry SRV's jock.

General Zod said:
I'd only credit someone with writing a Grammy-winning song, if what they had written was absolute shit.:loco:
Agreed on all points. This is why (for my money) someone like Yngwie can't carry SRV's jock.

Cheiron said:
As my guitar instructor stated to me yesterday, the true musician understands what to do when doing nothing.

Basically meaning, the silence inbetween notes, mastering that patience, and such is very important to quality music.

I usually pick my nose, or scratch my junk.

*looks around... then wipes his finger on the backside of his guitar*
Dragonforce doesn't rule just because they play fast. They rule because they write great melodies that sound great played at hyperspeed. Their extended instrumental breaks are also interesting. Much more interesting than your average prog band, that's for sure.
Regor said:
I usually pick my nose, or scratch my junk.

*looks around... then wipes his finger on the backside of his guitar*

:lol: Prefect!

DF annoy me - sorry, I know they have a lot of fans, but I don't get it. Some things sound really good fast. What they're doing isn't one of them, IMO.
General Zod said:
Then they should be listening to Cryptopsy, not DragonForce.

I know a lot of people dig this band, but I just can't get into bands who don't understand the concept of playing at more than one tempo.


That's bogus Mr. Zod. Dragonforce do play at more than one tempo plenty of times. It's just when they do decide to play fast, they play faster than anyone else (including death/black metal). And the fact they can play faster than anyone else is what they're known for... hence people who don't like their music claim it's all one tempo which is a load of crap.

Dragonforce play at many more tempos than most bands including most metal bands, and that's what sets them apart.

The Michael
Yeah, but I like watching people run different races, and not do the same race every single damn time.

Translation: Dragonforce's songs sound the same. I can only listen to 1/4 of their album before getting bored as their 'appeal' has worn off.
I like Dragonforce because of that very fact.. they are FAST :kickass:

Face it, we have enough bands out there that sound like someone else. I'm not saying these guys don't mind you, but I like the way they do what they do :) I need an onslaught of fast every now and then, how else can I get to work on time if I'm a little late? Pop in the fast bad and drive baby.

Also about saying things w/ one note...

I'll go on the record that BB King and Jimi Hendrix can say more in one note than any guitarist period, alive or dead.
General Zod said:
Then they should be listening to Cryptopsy, not DragonForce.

I know a lot of people dig this band, but I just can't get into bands who don't understand the concept of playing at more than one tempo.


agreed, way overrated by those who probably download music for free. In small dosages they sound good, but when you listen to entire album it is shit.
I dunno - I mean, I am a lifelong advocate of thrash and speed metal, but DF come off, to me, as just a novelty and rather cheesy. I'll take a band that plays ACCEPT style riffing anyday over that "speed for the sake of speed" thing.

Oh, and one more thing.... please don't book them at PP!