Song Survivor - Metallica - Ride the Lightning round 2

Vote for the 2 weakest tracks

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Nothing. I was more commenting on the bizarre fact they play For Whom the Bell Tolls along with these tracks by Limp Bizkit and Slipknot and what have you, over more obvious Metallica tracks like I dunno, Enter Sandman as Jimmy said or some shit from St Anger. Which would seem to fit more in with this crowd.
That's strange. I found that either Sad But True or the aforementioned Enter Sandman seemed to get played rather frequently when I used to go to metal clubs.
I obviously don't go to clubs, but I've heard FHTBT on the radio more than Enter Sandman. It's definitely among their most popular songs.
I'd say One is played the most, then Seek & Destroy, then FWTBT, then the Black Album stuff, then everything else.
Enter Sandman, The Unforgiven and Nothing Else Matters are and were played on the radio more than any of their other songs. To live in the US and say otherwise means you are lying. A few tracks from Master of Puppets come close but thats about it as far as their most played songs go.
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Enter Sandman, The Unforgiven and Nothing Else Matters are and were played on the radio more than any of their other songs. To live in the US and say otherwise means you are lying. A few tracks from Master of Puppets come close but thats about it as far as their most played songs go.

I'm sure it depends on the station, time of day, etc. fwiw I'm checking my childhood ROCK 105.3 and they are indeed playing only Black Album songs, but that hasn't been my personal experience lately.
I'm sure it depends on the station, time of day, etc. fwiw I'm checking my childhood ROCK 105.3 and they are indeed playing only Black Album songs, but that hasn't been my personal experience lately.

ye its definitely not as much as before but they still get the most playtime. From Whom The Bell Tolls, Fade to Black and the title track get the most from this album and sometimes they even play Fight Fire With Fire. MoP gets way more playtime than RtL though
Rock radio is just shit in general. I'm looking through various stations and it's amazing how it's nothing but the same Metallica, Nirvana, Offspring, Pearl Jam, Led Zep, Disturbed, etc over and over. Any band that wasn't among the most popular rock bands of their time doesn't see radio play, nor do any remotely deep cuts. The R&B stations are always better, at least on the explicitly-retro days. You still get the obligatory songs but at least there's some lesser known songs.
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I remember back in the late 90s/early 00s driving with the family near Hillcrest once as we checked out Balboa Park. There was one car with a bumper sticker with some really whiny emo shit about not caring what others think and letting your inner self out and etc. It might have just been typical of the goth-y thing that was popular in those days, but I think because of the neighborhood, when my dad finished reading the sticker aloud he said "The verdict is in, the jury as decided, our judgment: FAG!", and we all laughed.

I grew up in a relatively conservative suburb, never went downtown except for special events.