Songs you never want to hear again


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
Which songs do you never want to hear again? Here's a few that come to mind:

Total Eclipse of the Heart
American Pie
Brown Eyed Girl

Khe San (love chisel but everytime this song comes on the radio or a pub I wanna stab something)
April Sun in Cuba (same deal as above. I like Dragon)
Living on a Prayer
This is how you remind me
Big Girls Dont Cry
Hmmm. I certainly don't want to hear that Black Eyed Peas song that's always being used on ads and football matches and shit anymore. I'm with Sprucey too, so over "Khe Sanh". I have a dozen Chisel songs on my iPod, but I deliberately left that one off. And I could go through the rest of my life never hearing anything Usher's ever done and die happy.
Any of the pop crap passing for RnB or rap or hip hop or rock, or any other shit that seems to pass radio playability standards in this fucking country, I truely despise 95% of what is played on FM radio in this country these days
"Hey, Soul Sister" by Train. I honest to God thought I wasn't hearing the lyrics right, but no, they DO go "Hey, soul sister, ain't that Mr Mister on the radio".
Yeah I'm a big Hunnas fan, but there's been too much of that song! At least Mark Seymour's retirement fund must be building nicely.
Oh fuck yeah, Blister in the Sun! Fuck I hate that song and band. Plus the other two you listed!