St Anger Opinions

Oh shut the fuck up, let him have his opinion...i'm so sick of people who can't stand it if someone happens to like an album they don't.

and btw, i actually agree that there is a lot of shit better than St. Anger out there, so don't go trying to pin me down as some St. Anger fanboy. I liked it but it doesn't touch stuff thats coming out now like Opeth, Shadows Fall, Arch Enemy, Strapping Young Lad, Darkane, etc. Though i still retain my opinion that St. Anger is some of the best mainstream stuff out there.

And the guy who said 'Shit Anger'. My 5 year old cousin could come up with something more clever than that, dumbass...try harder next time you insult an album...
Dodens Grav said:
Oh no, now everyone has to find new ways to STEAL MUSIC. Number one, that whole thing has nothing to do with Metallica's new album, and number two, get the fuck over it and use Kazaa or DC++ or one of the other dozen programs out there to STEAL MUSIC.

Kazaa sucks ass and yes it does have everything to do with it. Would you pay money everytime you download music?

Metallica or should I say Greed-tallica sucks!
Well i have to say for one im glad i "stole" music. If it werent for napster, Kazaa, WinMX, i still would be listening to radio and mainstream crap. And yes im glad i stole all of Metallicas old songs. I could give a rats ass personaly. If it werent for being able to download all thoose songs i wouldnt have such a extensive cd collection i do.
Warrior of Ice said:
Well i have to say for one im glad i "stole" music. If it werent for napster, Kazaa, WinMX, i still would be listening to radio and mainstream crap. And yes im glad i stole all of Metallicas old songs. I could give a rats ass personaly. If it werent for being able to download all thoose songs i wouldnt have such a extensive cd collection i do.

My opinion is that it's sounds like a band having a mid-life crisis. At least on the Load albums they sounded like a band should at that point in their careers, well, minus the song writing skills that a band with that much experience should have had. I hated those albums, but at least they were somewhat honest sounding. St. Anger just comes across as 40-somethings trying to sound "youthful" and relevent in a music scene that has long passed them by. Also, what are they "madly angry" about? Their swolen bank accounts? I just don't get it. They're as silly as the Sex Pistols re-union.

Does anyone else agree that if Kirk left the band, immediately, he could still save salvage some of his integrity? It's not as though his abilities are being utilized anyway.
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
Does anyone else agree that if Kirk left the band, immediately, he could still save salvage some of his integrity? It's not as though is abilities are being utilized anyway.

You might have a point there. If he left, the band should not push on.
That could open the door for Mustaine to rejoin his former band members though.