Stage Theatrics

wwallinga said:
There is a part of the song Black Rose Immortal that totally reminds me of the part in "This is Spinal Tap" where the band displays a stonehenge monument on stage. (There was much rejoicing)

dude, i know exactly what you're talking about. it makes me think of people dancing in the forest.
I can personally do without the "Hey you motherfuckers!!" greeting. It's extremely insipid and very childish, there are other things to say to get the crowd motivated. But I believe that greeting is more typical for nu-metal, or the metalcore scene these days, seeing that most of those guys never finished high school and their vocabulary is limited to these words: Fuck, beer, fuck ....
Yeah, 9:20 - right after he says, "hours brought thirst, and the rising sun..." Every time I hear that little accoustic ditty I see the stonehenge monument coming down.

Maybe on the next tour they'll hook Mendez up with a flaming codpiece like WASP. That would be so kewl :rock:
Ive seen slayer 5 times since the clash of the titans tour in 1991. They are always brilliant, even when the sound crew make a fuck up with the sound. The theatrics are mainly of the light show variety, backdrops, plus lots of dry ice. ive never seen any fake blood etc

for a good light show i recommend fear factory, it really works with the music and the strobes with ferrera's double bass kicking is something els

i have still to see he mighty opeth :worship: , i would imagine a little dry ice and strategic lumenesce would work well in their shows.

No, they just get up and go. As the stage is usually relatively small, you can pretty much chat to the guys in between (and during, as I found) songs. Don't think Peter appreciated being called a tall bastard, but nonetheless that scored me some liquid refreshment.
it should be natural to the music.Imagin Kiss without any bombs,makeup,guitar smashing ect ect.I hope Opeth gets some big costums next tour!
jahn said:
it should be natural to the music.Imagin Kiss without any bombs,makeup,guitar smashing ect ect.I hope Opeth gets some big costums next tour!

I sincerely hope this is a joke. Actually, I hope you're serious, because it's a horrible attempt at a joke.

Anyway, as far as theatrics go I feel they're unnecessary. However, they can add a certain ambience to a show that may not be present without such things as the light effects, props, etc etc.
So the lights that went in time to the end of deliverance were a bad thing because they took my eyes away from the band playing music?

I watched Alice Coopers welcome to my nightmare and it rocked, Opeth should do a still life ballet or something.
Opeth is just not a band that needs any theatrics, I mean come on, everything has already been done. Opeth just likes to get on stage and fucking rock out, their visions through their music is good enough for me.
I think that one of the reasons they are so cool is that theres no bullshit costumes or metal talk, there just there to play their music