state of the board address

ah, things have gotten EERRIIWWIRRDSS, have they not?

as you may have noticed, i haven't been on the boards very often lately. this is not due to any of the recent flame wars (which have been melodramatized to no end), but due to the simple fact that i feel that i have been spending too much time on message boards and neglecting many of the aspects of my life that used to bring me joy. don't get me wrong, all of you guys are still great and i still see you all as my friends. if you don't see me on the board too much, don't fret! i'll still be around. and i will still work vehemently for RC.

concerning the cob board... fuck 'em. don't let the dumb assholes affect the way things run around here. it is such a minor issue, just like they are minor forms of life. and yes, i saw the 'anal carnage' thread and it went along perfectly with what i have been saying for a week: cob fans have no class, and that post just went further to prove my point. i have my suspicions as to who did it, but it is such a moot issue that it is not worth pursuing.

i also feel that i am mostly responsible for WW2. me going over there was the first shot in this strange, pervasive flame-war and i feel that what has occured since is a direct result of that (and it also led to papa josh leaving the board, indirectly). my apologies for stirring up the shit, even if it wasn't my original intention.

anyway, i don't mean to over-dramatize things, but i think some of those things needed to be said.

catch you on the filpside, vote for sorath, smilies still suck and... tEh WiNn!!1

this thread better get 5 stars.
Black Winter Day said:
i also feel that i am mostly responsible for WW2. me going over there was the first shot in this strange, pervasive flame-war and i feel that what has occured since is a direct result of that (and it also led to papa josh leaving the board, indirectly). my apologies for stirring up the shit, even if it wasn't my original intention.
Thank you for being a man and taking responsibility for your actions, whether or not the fiasco was completely your fault.

And now in full NADist style, comparative measurements:

real life > internet
For the record, I've responded to BWD on this matter via private e-mail. I'm keen to put this whole affair behind us and so I wouldn't want anyone to interpret my silence on this thread as the equivalent of 'indifference', or 'disagreement'.....although, it's really surprising how everyone suddenly became quiet round these parts!! :erk:

Perhaps we need some ultra-photoshop-cleansed boob action to get the conversation flowing again? :loco:
HarmonyDies.... said:
Your sig.
I really wish you would post more often, you're killing me! :lol:

OK, see you BWD!!!1 I should do the same thing as you, because forums are taking WAY too much of the time, but fortunately my willpower is ~0 so I'm staying for now. :loco: Can't have three of Team Carnage gone at the same time, now can we...