stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!



English and French: from the post-classical Greek personal name Nikolaos, composed of the elements nike victory + laos people. The spelling with -ch- first occurred as early as the 12th century, and became firmly established at the time of the Reformation, although Nicolas is still occasionally found. St Nicholas was a 4th-century bishop of Myra in Lycia, about whom virtually nothing factual is known, although a vast body of legend grew up around him, and he became the patron saint of Greece and Russia, as well as of children, sailors, merchants, and pawnbrokers. His feast-day is 6 December, and among the many roles which legend has assigned to him is that of bringer of Christmas presents, in the guise of “Santa Claus” (an alteration of the Dutch form of his name, Sinterklaas). Variant: Nicolas.

Cognates: Scottish: Nicol; Neacal (Gaelic). Irish Gaelic: Nioclas. Italian: Nicola, Nic(c)olò. Spanish: Nicolás, Nicolao. Catalan: Nicolau, Micolau. Portuguese: Nicolau. German: Nikolaus, Niklaus. Scandinavian: Niklas;Nils (Swedish, Norwegian); Niels (Danish). Finnish: Launo. Russian: Nikolai. Polish: Mikolaj. Czech: Mikoláš. Romanian: Nicolae. Hungarian: Miklós. Finnish: Niilo.

Short forms: English: Nick. German: Klaus, Claus. Dutch: Claus.

Nicknames: English: Nicky. Spanish: Nico. Swedish: Nisse. Russian: Kolya.

Feminine forms: English (Latinate): Nicola. French, English: Nicole. Spanish: Nicolasa.
lol I know, you're kinda right, Nicky can be used as a female name/nickname too.

and yes, I'm sinterklaas, did you like the xxl dildo I gave you for christmas?

(omgz! sorry, I couldn't help myself with that joke) :(
I'll take his tits.

Also, I did some researrrchez, and found out Esmée (my real name), is an "esteemed" name, and the two other popular esteemed names are Hilda and yarly, Precious. So I think I may have just discovered where Sméagol comes from!:O OMGZ