stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

But whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?:cry:

because there's a treaty that protects it.

The Antarctic Treaty was signed in 1959 by twelve countries; to date, forty-six countries have signed the treaty. The treaty prohibits military activities and mineral mining, supports scientific research, and protects the continent's ecozone. Ongoing experiments are conducted by more than 4,000 scientists of many nationalities and with different research interests.



On average, Antarctica is the coldest, driest and windiest continent, and has the highest average elevation of all the continents. Since there is little precipitation, except at the coasts, the interior of the continent is technically the largest desert in the world. There are no permanent human residents. Only cold-adapted plants and animals survive there, including penguins, seals, mosses, lichen, and many types of algae.

beat that frostbitten biatch! antartic penguins are more frostbitten than you :)
So I've decided I'm gonna get my hair all cut off tomorrow :( Feeling a bit sad but fuck it, I'll just grow it back if I miss it too much :lol: I've had long hair for long enough anyway, time for a break :p
haha, is chile, really far and isolated from the whole world, I will have to spend a whole day on a plane ffs!!!! and my ticket was quite cheap to be honest.
